Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(AOC) is urging widespread civil disobedience against the Executive Orders that
Donald Trump signed in the first few days of his presidency.
Since taking office on Monday, January
20th, Trump has signed numerous Executive Orders addressing
everything from immigration, to the official number of sexes, to what flags can
fly over U.S. government buildings, to ending DEI and dismantling the deep
In a recent live stream video, the Democratic
New York Congresswoman urged people to simply ignore or disobey executive
orders signed by the president.
She stated: “One of the most simple
things that we can do is just not comply. This today, the Trump administration--
and also last night-- the Trump administration signed a bunch of illegal
executive orders. And he just tried to sign a piece of paper saying, trying to
say, no. We don’t have to listen to him. It’s illegal. We don’t have to treat
this seriously. It’s a joke. And that’s not to say that what they’re trying to
do isn’t serious. It is serious. But we should not consent in advance.”
“One of the most simple things?” AOC
is nothing if not simple. Her use (and abuse) of the language is as simple as
her thought process and ability to draw conclusions. Her comments, such as they
are, would have been far more accurately directed at Biden, but that wouldn’t
have advanced The Narrative.
The sheer brazenness and hypocrisy
that Democrats routinely exhibit is breathtaking. When Republicans are in power,
they say of the president, “Somewhere, a village has lost its idiot.” They
proclaim that disobedience is sacred, and resistance is patriotic. Yet when
Democrats hold sway, they savage any Republican that dares to even criticize
them, however mildly. “Why do these treasonous haters disdain their country,
and our beloved democracy,” they ask. The vilest accusations, cancellation, and
lawfare often ensue. Gaslighting and projection are employed with wild abandon.
What would happen, AOC, if Democrats
refused to comply with Republican administration’s orders, legislation and
policies…and Republicans likewise refused to comply with Democrat
administration’s orders, legislation, and polices? Chaos would reign. Civil
society would break down. Civil war might eventually ensue. This would flat-out
guarantee that the only form of government that could get control of the
situation would be a massive tyrannical one that would have to strip its
citizens of their freedoms and incessantly and forcefully compel their
behavior in nearly all respects.
Fortunately, the founders bequeathed
us the Constitution-- and something called the rule of law.
It matters not if Ocasio-Cortez
understands either. We certainly don’t have to listen to her.
She’s a joke. Albeit a simple one. Maybe the “most simple” one.
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