Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Trump Supporters Are Stupid, Elites Say


A lot of peeple have called us Trump supporters “stupid” lately, Democrats and media fokes, espeshlly. We is stupid. But, like, not only is we stupid, we is deplorables, too. And we is clingers. And we is fashists. And misahgynists…or however it be you spell peoples who hate all women, including their Mamas and dawters. And don't forget, we all be garbage, too! And we love Hitler... and the Gestoppo! Democrats have told us that like a gajillion times in the past couple years. That makes me sad. I guess we just don't deserve all you kind, tollerrant, incloosive, non-divisive Harris supporters. To save our democracy, their oughta be a law against us, right?!

That’s why it is so nice of you guys to want to unite the country again and have Republicuns reach across the ile and work with you guys to get stuff done. It is cool that you want to unite the nation that has for so long been unnecessarily divided by “garbage people” and “deplorables” like Donald Trump and his fashist supporters like me. And that you want to unite us Nazis and weerdos—and those of us “clinging to our god and our guns”-- with regular, decent, climate-change-fearing folk, our wonderful LGBTQIIA+ plus community, and our beloved undocumented gests that nrich us so much.

Think of what could be if you treated all those you claim are racists, homofobes, xenofobes, and misahgynists like fellow Americans-- and human beings deserving of citishunship and respect! What if you treated us like you treat your fellow elitists? Or even like you treat thieves and other criminals?


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