In some polls, Vice-President Kamala Harris now
leads former President Donald Trump by a percentage point or two in the lead-up
to the 2024 presidential election.
How can this be?
Especially when considering:
Biden administration locked up patriots who strolled through—or near—“The
People’s House” on Jan. 6, some of whom are still imprisoned, but has supported
legislation that lets hardened criminals go free. Moreover, it has made deals
with countries that sponsor terrorists-- and with terrorists themselves, when
it is not actually paying them or gifting them advanced military equipment.
Biden administration has let illegal aliens in by the umpteen millions and treats them better than it does American citizens.
administration policies have caused rampant inflation that has eaten up a
significant part of Americans’ earnings and made home ownership for many young
families virtually impossible.
and Democrat appointed judges have thrown the book at Trump for imagined or
comparatively trifling “crimes” while treating much more serious offenses
committed by the likes of Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton with kid gloves. And,
apart from trying to remove Trump from ballots, and imprison him, it is sadly
not out of the realm of possibility that they may have played a part in trying
to assassinate him.
So, why would
Harris apparently be running neck-and-neck with Trump, even though she received
no support in her last run to be the Democratic nominee for president…and has
failed in every endeavor as Vice-President? How can this be? Why would
the American people allow this to happen?
Sadly, it is a
combination of things. Ignorance of economics, history and Western Civilization.
Indoctrination by schools, especially “higher education.” The mainstream media/Big
Tech/Social-Media companies hiding the truth (and conservative thought/ideas).
The constant barrage of lies and hoaxes from Democrats, as well as their incessant
projection and gaslighting. The lure of a soft life while being taken care of
by the state. Mind-altering drugs. And the
proclivity to be lost in pornography, sports, games, social media, and mindless
television shows. And, of course, “progressives’” preposterous and dangerous
assertion that If anyone doesn’t vote for Kamala, that person must be racist
and sexist. (Obviously, the same could be said of anyone who doesn’t vote for
Trump. By the same “logic,” the only reason for this must be because that
person hates white people and men. Or those with the name Donald. Or quirky
hair. This “rationale” could be applied to any candidate of any party at
any time.)
Who will win? Those who
count the vote will have the ultimate say. But, though many Republicans and
conservatives don’t want to hear it, the media will play a large part in
determining the outcome. Whether it is search-engine optimization leading
everyone to leftist sites and opinion, or mainstream media newspapers and television
stations delivering fake news around the clock, they still have an outsize role
in molding the opinions of the 20+ percent of potential voters in the mushy
And this is a mismatch.
The leftist sites, rags, and commentators outnumber the conservative ones. More
importantly, unlike conservatives, they never quit, never waiver, never flag or
fail. Never a crack appears. They don’t soften for even a moment and consider
another side. Or laugh at themselves. Ever. They are relentless in their drive to
share the power. They never question their agenda or methods. Ever. Thus, they
cannot be defeated unless the various strains of conservatives and their limited
and typically fractious media match or exceed their opponents’ zealotry. Which
they are loathe to do, as it is against their nature.
Republicans, unlike
Democrats, tend to seek compromise and decorum, often ignorant of the fact that
their allegedly good intentions are inexorably leading to the demise of the
last best hope, not to mention freedom-- and truth.
This is why everything,
cultural and political, has gone in one direction—and one direction only—for over
100 years, regardless of who the president may be, or who controls Congress.
And this must stop—now—or
empty pantsuits like Cacklin’ Kamala will lead us down the road to Marxism/Communism,
a road that ought not have been travelled…and from which there will be no
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