Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Greatest Hoax Of All


        I have often written of hoaxes, but I am now going to do so as regards The Greatest Hoax of All. The Greatest Hoax of All is actually a series of lies, projections, and evil so astounding and ubiquitous as to constitute the gravest threat to our country in its history…including the Civil War. The Left, as embodied today by the Democrat Party, is telling everyone that the United States is a systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, capitalist hellhole that must be torn down and rebuilt in its image-- if it is redeemable at all. This, of course, is the opposite of the case. Never has a more diverse society granted so many freedoms and opportunities for success to so many. This is demonstrably the case, and why countless millions attempt to come here, legally or illegally.

        But Democrats don’t care. They ignore the blatantly obvious paradox between the way they portray the country and the fact that millions pour over its southern border that they refuse to secure. (They must despise these migrants, to subject them to so much hate!)

        Today’s Democrats are boldly and openly pushing aside the angels and siding with demons. And mocking those who believe in morality and objective truth as “deplorables,” “fascists,” or ”weird.” (Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!)

                       I write this knowing full well that when I say this is the most dangerous crisis the nation has yet faced, many will exclaim “Hah, just more hyperbole from a ‘far-right’ rube.” Nope. A vast situational difference faced those who wished to destroy us centuries-- and even decades ago— than that which faces those who wish to do so today. First off, the two oceans, relatively friendly border nations, and sheer size of America, was, in itself, enough to make it very difficult for our erstwhile enemies to vanquish us. Today, foreign adversaries can utilize advanced technology, or “the lights of perverted science” to cite a Churchill phrase. They have many from which to choose. Biological warfare, utilizing viruses such as COVID-19. Chemical. Nuclear. Or just massive EMPs. Far worse yet, we are being effectively attacked from inside. By many of our own leaders. This makes it unnecessary, perhaps even foolish, for foreign actors to do so, as it is a fact that various leftist domestic elements (read “Democrats”) are determined to bring down America first.

                       Nearly a decade ago I wrote a piece called “The Greatest Lie Ever Told,” in which I opined on Democrats’ obsession with taking-- and spending-- other people’s money…while acting like they are selflessly doing so for the benefit of others. (Talk about audacity!) In a sense, The Greatest Hoax of All is a companion piece, albeit on an even grander scale. The Greatest Hoax of All is the notion, being pedaled by Democrats and their toadies in the mainstream media and elsewhere, that Democrats care about democracy, the disadvantaged, minorities—or anything at all other than their own power.

                       It is a simple fact that social media is demonetizing and shadow-banning conservative sites, and search engines are hiding Agenda-defying thought. (I have been the victim of all of these.) History is being erased, the truth memory-holed. All, Democrats say, in order to “save our democracy.”

                       “Bullshit” doesn’t begin to describe this. “Hypocrisy” is entirely inadequate. This is projection on an epic scale…but it is much more than that. Much worse. Much more sinister. It is an existential threat to permanently destroy the most successful nation in history.

                       As young folks like to say, “haters gonna hate.” And Democrats gonna Democrat.

                       Statue by statue, tradition by tradition, tie by tie, law by law, ethic by ethic, founding principle by founding principle, Commandment by Commandment, and Amendment by Amendment they are summarily—and deliberately—demolishing the (formerly) United States.

                       We must push back. Attend school board meetings. Homeschool your kids. Volunteer to be an election monitor. Run for office. Say your piece. Speak the truth (as God grants you to see it)-- no matter what.

                       Or else, when each of our rights-- one by one-- simply ceases to be…we will one day awake and be shocked to find we are no longer free.

                       Because we were no longer brave.



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