Tulane University officials recently condemned a
student’s pro-Kanye West opinion piece – and told her the next day she probably
was not safe to stay on campus.
“Since I publicly defended Ye two days ago, I have
received an onslaught of death threats and calls for expulsion from other
students,” Sarah Ma tweeted Friday, January 13. “Now, Tulane is telling me I am
unsafe and that I should leave campus.”
Ah, the beauty of tolerance and inclusion!
Ma wrote an opinion
piece for a new website called the College Dissident. Her piece appeared on Wednesday,
January 11th, the same day the site-- which is not connected to
Tulane University-- was launched.
Ma’s essay, titled
“Ye did nothing wrong,” defended the controversial rapper-- who now goes by the
much shorter moniker “Ye”-- for comments he made about Jewish people
controlling the media and for wearing a shirt that said “white lives matter” when
appearing with black conservative commentator Candace Owens.
For the crime of
publicly stating her opinion, Ma was promptly booted from her sorority and her post
vilified in an email sent out from Erica Woodley, Tulane’s Dean of Students.
So, trashing
capitalism and lauding Marxism is fine on nearly any campus in the nation. Indoctrination
in this regard is perfectly acceptable. Communists can speak on campus.
Pro-abortion groups are de rigueur. Drag queens are always welcome. Biological
men are free to access women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. But, dare to defend
someone who defended Trump and/or said “white lives matter” and you are hoisted
on your petard, persona non grata, relegated to the ash-heap of history. You
are toast. In fact, your school won’t even be able to guarantee your physical
The entire point of college in the saner
days of yore was to acquaint students with differing points of view and foster
debate. That is classical liberal education. Today, despite
the guise of “tolerance,” “diversity,”
and “inclusion,” students thoughts and opinions can never diverge from the
prevailing dogma without severe consequences.
Like being
told to leave the campus.
education?” Hardly.
“tolerance,” “diversity,” and “inclusion,” the term has been rendered a sick
joke by so-called “progressives.”
“Lower standards”
and a complete lack of critical thinking skills (and morality) are the new
hallmarks of our colleges and universities.
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