Thursday, December 5, 2024

Progressives Foster Evil


Liberals often say things like, “I don't like guns.” They may as well say (and no doubt a few do), “I don't like knives,” “I don't like forks,” ”I don't like weedwhackers,” “I don't like baseball bats,” “I don’t like bow and arrows,” or “I don't like cars.”  The same goes for any other thing that could possibly be used to hurt people. But this is nonsensical, moot.

Ironically, it is the very same policies these liberals generally espouse and support that lead to hopelessness, despair, bitterness, rancor, and an entitlement mentality, all of which are virtually guaranteed to make people lash out. What progressives tout as ‘remedies’ often lead-- directly or indirectly-- to mental health issues, and the very violence they purport to detest. When the blame-- the evil—is transferred from a human being to an inanimate object, human frailty—and evil—are absolved from blame. This deflection from reality leads to an inability to solve problems and cannot possibly help to ameliorate violence. In fact, it can only continue to foster and perpetuate them.

But this is the progressive mindset and outlook in a nutshell.

Truth be told, guns are not the problem. Neither are knives, automobiles, baseball bats, etc. A desire to absolve criminals and oneself from blame, combined with the inability-- in fact utter unwillingness-- to see the truth, is what allows evil and violence to continue in perpetuity. When criminals are rewarded, while those who try to stop them are punished, we will necessarily get more of the former and fewer of the latter.

In this way we aid and abet not only crime, but the father of lies.

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