Saturday, December 7, 2024

Pentagon Officials Plotting Against Trump-- Again?


CNN, citing defense sources, recently reported that Pentagon officials have been discussing how to countermand potential orders from President-elect Donald Trump.

The report noted that the officials have been “gaming out” various scenarios, including the possibility that Trump could deploy troops to assist in mass deportations. And, perhaps more to the point, that he could potentially reclassify federal employees to make them easier to fire. Egads!

CNN quoted one defense official as stating, “We are all preparing and planning for the worst-case scenario, but the reality is that we don’t know how this is going to play out yet.”

According to CNN, the most concerning thing for these unelected bureaucrats is the likelihood that Trump would reinstate Schedule F, an executive order Trump issued in 2020, making it easier to dismiss ‘civil servants.’ 

Here’s a tip: you’re not a ‘civil servant’ if you’ll do anything to prevent the duly elected president from carrying out his agenda.

What’s more, the United States has a military controlled by civilian authority, not the other way around. That’s in something called the Constitution. If Pentagon officials attempt to countermand and obstruct the Commander-in-Chief’s orders, much as they were allegedly determined to give notice to China if they disapproved of his intent, they are guilty of treason. Period.

And treason used to carry a severe penalty, often resulting in the traitor hanging from the highest tree or yardarm, so to speak.

The of us in the U.S.—as well as the world at large—desperately need Trump to be successful in draining The Swamp. Whether we know it or not.

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