Musings/Jottings/Quick Hits

*Democrats treat Trump as if he were a witch, though they admit they "did do the nose." (The Russian Collusion Hoax/Steele dossier.) It is exactly like this famous Monty Python scene. Watch 'til the end!

*The FBI is defending the First Amendment rights of a Los Angeles student group whose fundraising poster features a terrorist logo. Yup, that's free speech, but don't 'misgender' anyone or your ass is grass!

*Restaurants in California have eliminated more than 10,000 jobs since Democrats pushed through the $20 minimum wage. Nice job, jackasses.

*Clemson University is using a nearly $1 million grant from the Department of Justice (DOJ) for a project to track "mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM)" by internet users. The idea that any information/data/opinion that disagrees with elites' agenda is mis-, dis-, or mal-information is itself the most pernicious form of mis-, dis-, or mal-information. And should terrify everyone. 

*An Indiana couple recently had their child removed from their home because of their supposedly improper pronoun usage. We need to come up with stronger words than "insane" and "sick." 

*Pro-Palestinian protesters recently targeted a Manhattan cancer hospital and shouted at children in the windows, taunting them. That is all one needs to know about Pro-Palestinian protesters. Period. 

*The Canadian military will soon provide tampons to male soldiers. Well, they may come in handy if the soldiers ever get a nosebleed. Canada continues to lead the pack in the race to be the most ridiculous nation. 

*According to Rasmussen Reports, 45% of U.S. voters approve of President Biden's job performance thus far. Whether or not one approves of Trump-- or any Republican candidate-- how can this possibly be the case?! Do 45 % of U.S. voters approve of painful rectal itch? Lyme Disease? 

*President Biden says that the internet is just as important to people as electricity or water. Well, call me a skeptic, but you can't have internet without electricity...and no one dies from going without the internet for a week or two.

*Reports indicate that Republicans may be backing down from trying to stop Biden's FDA from approving abortion by mail. "Backing down" is a synonym for "Republican."

*A lithium deposit has reportedly been discovered on the Nevada-Oregon border. It may be the world's largest. I wonder how long it will take the Biden administration to place it off limits to mining. Or to sell it to China or Russia.  

*A new survey reveals that only 59% of Americans know the real history of the Fourth of July/Independence Day. Soon, the same percentage won't be able to differentiate between males and females. 

*Klaus Schwab recently praised Communist China's achievements and opined that the rest of us can learn from Xi Jinping's "vison." Not surprising. Tells you all you need to know about the WEF. Don't mind the Uyghurs. 

*The Biden administration reportedly wants "all books" available to students. So, I'm guessing school libraries across the nation will have plenty of copies of books by Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, for example? And prominently feature great works by Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek? Sure they will.

*The FDA just declared that vaccines "do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission." Yet we may be required to take them anyway. So what's the point? Oh. Gulp.

*A dad recently confessed to killing an elderly sex offender who allegedly stalked his daughter. What was the weapon he used? A moose antler. As I have repeatedly stated, it is long past time for common sense moose antler control! 

*Japan has just experienced its most deaths in a year since World War II. And its birth rate is now only half that of its death rate. The once self-professed "Rising Sun" is now, unquestionably, the "Setting Sun." Maybe it will update its national flag appropriately. 

*Temperatures akin to those on Mars...and we are going to bankrupt ourselves for fear of "global warming." Beam me up, Scotty. 

*How is transgenderism not the most egregious form of appropriation? I mean, preposterously claiming to be the opposite sex is the ballsiest attempt at appropriation possible. And few seem to care. 

*The Trudeau government recently boasted that its COVID lockdown policies helped it achieve climate change targets. Why not just shut down all human activity then? That would really reduce "carbon footprints." Don't worry about the resulting destitution, starvation...and lack of freedom. Assholes.

*Thomas Jefferson once said, "Almighty God hath created the mind free." Unfortunately, Democrats have been trying to enslave it ever since. 

*The UN General Assembly recently voted, 149-6, to demand that Israel give up its nuclear weapons. Israel! Yet they apparently are eager to see Iran acquire them. The UN is an organization driven by greed, power, and evil. It should be disbanded. Failing that, the U.S. should defund it and banish it from our shores. Forever.

*Barack Obama recently claimed that democracy might not survive if Democrats were soundly defeated in the mid-term elections. Democrats, democracy...see they share the same root word! By that reasoning, since Republicans did poorly, our republic might not survive. The latter statement is much closer to the truth. 

*Nevada can’t count votes on time? Las Vegas? That's what they do. Count cards. Count billions of dollars. They have countless high-tech machines. They watch everything. But they are painfully slow and have great difficulty counting votes? “One, two, umm, crap. One, two, three…uh, damn. Let's…” Literally unbelievable. 

*President Biden says inflation will get bad if Republicans are elected and that the economy is currently "strong as hell." Democrats literally now say the most preposterous things possible, 180 degrees from the truth. They have made gaslighting into a twisted art form.

* A new study shows that lockdowns and mask mandates have stunted babies' development and impaired their social functions. Duh. And another study proved water is wet.

*The people of Martha's Vineyard, a "sanctuary" area, couldn't deal with 50 migrants? At a time when the island's vacancy rate was at 63%? The 50 would have comfortably fit into just one wing of Barack & Michelle Obama's mansion. Repulsive, virtual signaling, hypocrites. 

*California is banning the manufacture and sale of gasoline powered cars in the future. And now it is asking people not to charge their electric cars, due to a dearth of electricity because of an inadequate power grid. I guess residents of the formerly Golden State are just supposed to stay home...and like it. Another form of lockdown. Ain't progressivism grand? 

*The DOJ has redacted its reasons for redacting information on the Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit. You can't even make this sh*t up. It's a Babylon Bee world in which we live.  

*The U.S. Army is developing a new tactical bra. Forget about advanced weapons systems, "Tremble before our new, high-tech lingerie!" 

*Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' "Don't Say Gay" bill did not include the word "gay." The Democrats' "Inflation Reduction Act" is not designed to reduce inflation. In fact, it will exacerbate it. Democrats are masters of mischaracterization and prevarication. 

*A University of California-Berkeley professor says questioning if men can have babies "opens up trans people to violence." Yeah, like questioning if the Earth is flat "opens up flat-earthers to violence." 

*Sri Lankan President Rajapakse fled his country on a ship-- with a suitcase full of belongings-- after he declared it bankrupt (due to his own policies). It would be best for literally everyone if President Biden did the same thing. 

*Kamala Harris recently said "there's nothing about this issue of abortion that will require anyone to abandon their faith." Except maybe the genocidal taking of innocent life.

*The Biden administration is warning that COVID-19 could infect as many as 100 million Americans this fall. Imagine that...just in time for the 2022 elections! Weird! Get your mail-in ballots ready and vote early and often, progressives!

*Many atheists say that science has rendered belief in God implausible. Which is odd, because those who believe in God don’t say that faith renders belief in science implausible. Who is tolerant, open-minded, reasonable? 

*Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says we must learn to do without meat and private property because they are unsustainable. He has also famously stated: “You will own nothing and be happy.” Alright Klaus, you try that first, you fat pig.

*The United States, together with the United Kingdom and Russia, vowed to guarantee Ukraine's "national security" if it got rid of all its nuclear weapons back in 1994. It did so. How is that working out for Ukrainians? Another tragic chapter in international relations. Another example of why one should never trust a Democrat administration. 

*Scottish data shows that the COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among those who have been twice-vaccinated and lowest among the unvaccinated. The data also shows that this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated holds true for hospitalizations and deaths, as well. This hasn’t—and will not—stop the government-media-healthcare-Big Pharma complex from demanding we jet jabbed…repeatedly. Something is very wrong. Folks, the lockdowns and mandates never were about your health.

*China recently announced it will team up with Russia to explore the moon. Just as the two nations will soon "explore" neighboring countries. 

*Michigan State University has banned in-person learning until at least January 31st but has allowed 15,000 screaming fans to attend each and every one of the Spartans’ home basketball games this month. 

*I'm getting very tired of hearing of a supposed "growing threat" of "domestic terrorism" in the United States. Democrats never said that during the Antifa/BLM riots that burned down sections of many U.S. cities and lasted for months on end. They only say this to target their political opponents and other patriotic Americans. There is one dire growing threat in America (and around the world): unrepresentative, tyrannical government.

*China told Amazon to delete negative reviews of President Xi Jinping's book. Amazon complied. Would they have done the same for President Trump? Disgusting. Money trumps atrocities. Big Social Media is E-V-I-L.

*The National Hockey League's Ottawa Senators team is 100% vaccinated. Every man-jack of them. Every single one. Yet 40% of the team recently tested positive for COVID-19, causing the league to postpone (at least) several of its games. Will someone please tell me again why everyone must take the jab?

*A U.S. nuclear submarine recently hit an  “underwater mountain." How? Sonar has been around since 1915! Periscopes have been in existence longer than that! WTF? Were the ships commanders too busy training their underlings in the ways of wokeness to notice a mountain looming up ahead of them? Pathetic.

*A study published in the journal Lancet Global Health found that Fluvoxamine-- a readily available, extremely inexpensive generic antidepressant-- dramatically reduces serious illness and death from COVID-19 when prescribed early. Look for health experts and the mainstream media to promptly and strongly recommend that no one take Fluvoxamine. 

*Leftists on abortion: "My body, my choice!" (If they were truthful, they would say, "My child's body, my choice!") Leftists on vaccine mandates: "Your body, government's choice!" Mental illness. 

*The W.H.O. just reiterated its warning against giving COVID vaccine booster shots to healthy folks and young people. Why, if the vaccines are perfectly safe?  

*Pfizer just recalled ALL of its anti-smoking drug Chantix, due to high levels of nitrosamine, a substance that can significantly increase the risk of cancer. Its vaccines, though, are perfectly safe.

*President Non-Entity (Joe Biden) just made—whether accidentally or by design-- the Taliban into one of the world’s formidable fighting forces, as he generously supplied them with countless numbers of automatic firearms, pallets of ammo, armored Humvees, Black Hawk helicopters, A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft, night-vision goggles, drones, etc., etc. That’s quite an upgrade for a group of savages who previously relied heavily on IEDs and white Toyota pick-up trucks. The Taliban now controls more than 2,000 armored vehicles and as many as 40 aircraft, US officials told Reuters.

*A new survey found that 59% of Democratic voters approved of socialism while only 49% approved of capitalism. What possible socialist role model(s) are these mooyaks looking to for their beliefs? North Korea? Venezuela, where people are eating their pets and the inflation rate crested at a mere 344, 509% in February of 2019 under its stalwart socialist leadership?

*Why is it that the nations with the highest vaccination rates are seeing the biggest spike in coronavirus "Delta Variant" cases? And why are the vaccinated now supposed to redon facial masks? And why are they now telling us that the vaccinated can transmit the disease? It's almost like the vaccines aren't all that effective. What else aren't they telling us?

*Democrats think asking voters for ID is "disenfranchising" them, and akin to slavery. Yet, they want to demand that everyone carry a "vaccine passport" around and provide it when requested by authorities. There are, of course, only three possible reasons for this: 1) they are insane. 2) they will say or do anything to get and keep power. 3) Both 1 and 2 are correct.

*A new report shows that BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors is tied to a social justice "nonprofit" that has failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations. No surprise. She loves Blacks, disdains the blue...and worships the green. 

*The White House has denied South Dakota's request to hold a traditional fireworks display on July 4th at Mount Rushmore. It has denied requests for similar events from other states, as well. But it has now announced that it will have its own event/display on July 4th. Hypocrite, thy name is Biden. 

*It's ironic that the oldest president in U.S. history is ignoring the accrued wisdom of the ages and destroying his country with hyper-progressive policies and political correctness.

*If 2020 were an animal, it would have been head lice. 2021 isn't looking any better.

*Appropriation? The world has appropriated more from America-- without shame or consequence-- than any entity has from any other entity. Period. The light bulb, airplanes, telephone, internet, polio vaccine, movie industry, assembly lines, blues, jazz, and country music, tractors, the concept of limited government of, by and for the people...

*Let me get this straight...Democrats want to force American citizens to produce a “Vaccine Passport” to travel freely, even within within the United States…but want to make certain they don’t need an ID to vote?!?

*Biden voters should be forced to pay reparations to Trump voters for the rapid increase in gasoline prices

*Speaker Pelosi is putting Rep. Eric ("I bang-banged Fang Fang") Swalwell (D-NY) on the House Intelligence Committee. So what that he was bedded by a Chinese spy? Just another example of rubbing our faces in it.

*Massive, multinational companies like Coco-Cola are urging their employees to "be less white." Can you imagine if former President Trump had urged anyone to "be less Black?"

*The experts are right: masks must prevent the spread of the coronavirus. After nearly a year of wearing them everywhere, we are now told to wear two of them. A year from now will we be told to wear four of them? 


* (Dr.) Faucism is beginning to look a lot like fascism. Mask or no mask. 

*Border walls don't work. But walls around the Capitol do. Odd.

*The Republican Party is dead. Forever. 

*The U.S. has averaged between 1,500-2,000 COVID deaths a day for the last several months as of the time of this writing (Dec, 27, 2020). Thar's including many that were considered death by COVID when it was actually other causes that primary. Such as gunshot wounds and snowmobile accidents. Seriously. The U.S. averages 2,362 abortions a day. And you can't fake the cause of those deaths. Yet no really one cares.

*Nancy Pelosi called the $1,600 tax breaks the average American family received under Trump's plan "crumbs." But she called the $600 stimulus checks she wanted to send Americans "significant." Long past time to put her out to pasture.

*The mayor of Austin, Texas, acknowledged to KVUE-TV that when he made a video last month warning residents to "stay home" to slow the coronavirus spread, he himself was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with family members and others. The COVID-19 doomsayers are all frauds.

*"Two weeks to flatten the curve" has turned into "ten months to flatten your soul." It is about to turn into "Two years to crush your spirit." Because we have let them. 

*If Joe Biden would've had an official campaign/rally song, it should have been Journey's "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin." 

*The mainstream media is evil. Their lies are now mind-boggling. Hundreds of thousands of people turned up in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 14th for the Million MAGA March. Yet several outlets reported "hundreds" of people showed up in support of Trump. Countless Trump supporters were threatened and attacked after dark, for absolutely no reason other than they were trump supporters, yet the media reported that "Trump supporters brawl with Antifa, BLM."

*It's incredible how good many Democrats are at being evil.

*Many businesses and residences in Washington, D.C., and other major American cities have already (as of October 31st, 2020) been boarded up in advance of the presidential election on November 3rd. What does that tell you?

* U.S. GDP grew at a 33.1% annualized pace in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported, an all-time record.

*How can progressives claim that people have no control over their sexual preference/persuasion, but must be allowed to choose their own sex/gender? If one’s gender isn’t “assigned” at birth, how can one’s sexual preference be assigned at birth? Riddle me that one, please! Both of them can’t be true. Period.

*"Hanoi" Jane Fonda recently said, "I just think...umm...COVID is God's gift to the left." Then she chuckled. She always supports communist aggressors. Classy. 

*The CDC in America released some new COVID-19 recovery rates, yet the mainstream media declined to report this news. I wonder why?  The survival rates in America for those who get infected are:
  • ages 0-19: survival 99.997%
  • 20-49: survival 99.98%
  • 50-69: survival 99.5%
  • 70+: survival 94.6%
Those 49 and under have virtually nothing to worry about.

*Recently released DOJ records show that members of Robert Mueller's investigative team claim to have "accidentally" wiped clean no fewer than 27 phones used during the Russia-Trump collusion investigation/hoax...after the DOJ had asked for the devices to be handed over. "Accidentally."

*The Satanic Temple has publicly given its support to Black Lives Matter. 

*An analytics firm bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg is predicting that while President Trump will appear to win on November 3, Democrat Joe Biden will actually win the election days later due to mail-in voting. 

*Only 196 of the 462,000 Sturgis motorcycle rally attendees have thus far tested positive for COVID-19. Critics were sure the rally would be a "Super-spreader" event.

*An unidentified instructor at Goodyear Tire and Rubber company is heard on recently released audio telling a gathering of employees that Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ pride "face coverings, shirts or wristbands" will be "deemed approved" and in accordance with company policy, but that, "If any associate wears all, blue, or white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will not be appropriate." Talk about a corporate takeover. 

*In yet another sign of traditional practices and mores being abandoned, Major League Baseball's National League has adopted the designated-hitter rule. Somewhere, pigs are flying. 

*The daylight execution of Bernell Trammell, 60, a black Trump supporter from Milwaukee, has gone virtually unreported by the mainstream media. I guess only Some Black Lives Matter.

*New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should be worrying about how to keep his people in the state, not how to keep others out. What if an illegal alien with COVID-19 wanted to enter his state? Conundrum? He'd probably put the person up in a nursing home.

*675,000 Americans died due to the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918. Yet we didn't "turtle." Another 110,000 died in World War I that ended on November 11, 1918. Yet we didn't give up, close our businesses and refuse to come out from under our beds. Then we had a Great Depression and...World War II. More death and destruction. We came out of all of this stronger than ever...and mask-free.

*The media says the coronavirus is "surging" among those aged 20-40 in the U.S. They say that it's because bars and restaurants have reopened. But people of all ages go to bars and restaurants. Protesters, however, are almost all between the ages of 20 and 40. Hmm.

*Devastation, hopelessness and tyranny: the new normal Democrats demanded. It's here.

*Well, I guess no noose is good noose news.

*When men try to supplant God, it is they who get destroyed.

*The mainstream media has devolved into nothing more than the house organ for any group that opposes President Trump and Republicans in general.

*Make no mistake, the riots aren't about race. They are about destroying America, and turning it into a Marxist state. Period.

*Yes, Democrats, let’s defund our military and our police. We can live in chaos and peril for the very short period of time until we become a Chinese police state and lose all our freedoms. Kind of ironic, don’t you think? Can’t reason with insane morons.

*Studies show that carbon dioxide emissions have dropped 17% during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yay! And all we had to do was ruin 57% of people's lives.

*Those in the Obama administration responsible for unmasking private American citizens are now themselves upset at being unmasked. Unbelievable. Or I wish it was.

*"Stay home," our rulers told us, "we must flatten the curve." Then they said the only way to alleviate the crisis is for us to acquire "herd immunity," which can never happen if we stay home. Then we find out home is the most dangerous place to be. They tell us to keep staying home, anyway. Ah, we get it now.

*Reality is whatever the hell the mainstream media wants you to believe it is...unless you have wisdom, a knowledge of history...and a proper sense of skepticism.


*With gas prices this low, we should all be socially distancing by driving around alone in our cars all day!

*Nearly 17 million U.S. citizens have filed for unemployment in the last three weeks alone. They are also victims of the coronavirus, and the government's mandates regarding it.

*In general, conservatives believe in counting your blessings. Leftists believe in counting your grievances. This one simple difference in world view informs nearly all of their policy prescriptions, as well as their relations to the past, others...and even themselves.

*In late 2019, the U.S. was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. We shall see.

*Rep. Ilhan Omar (Rep.-MN) recently tweeted the various ways that she describes herself. The radical, leftist, freshman Congresswoman said she sees herself as "Hijabi, Muslim, Black, Foreign born, Refugee, Somali." American? No.

*Former Vice-President Joe Biden recently claimed that "A hundred and fifty million" Americans have been killed by gun violence "since 2007." That would be nearly half of every one in the United States...just in the last 13 years. Funeral homes must be doing a land-office business. Joe apparently multiplied the correct figure by 1,000 or more. Oops.

*"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...unless, of course, he's a Republican."--The Democrats' reading of Exodus 20:16

*A New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene report shows that, between 2012 and 2016, 136,426 expectant black mothers terminated their pregnancies while only 118,127 gave birth to their babies. Black Lives Matter? To whom?

*A U.S. Senate investigation determined that Planned Parenthood's partners paid its affiliates for aborted body parts "and then sold the fetal tissue to their respective customers at substantially higher prices than their documented costs." Progressives detest Capitalism...except when trafficking in aborted baby parts, apparently.

*Approximately 10,000 children are smuggled into the United States every year to be sold as sex slaves. We owe it to them to build a wall. Not to mention the estimated 103,000 women who will be raped trying to enter the U.S. illegally from Central American nations.

*Of the world's approximately 1.2 billion Muslims, roughly 70% support Sharia law.

*If Democrats could impeach President Trump the day before the next presidential election they would. This is how much respect they have for the American people and free elections.

*The two articles of impeachment against Trump that the Senate is now considering, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, have no relevance to the Russia Collusion charges that started the whole investigation. How can this be?

*A mother from Plymouth, England, says she was berated online for referring to "Father Christmas," and petulantly informed that Santa Claus "is now seen as gender-neutral." Ho, ho, ho. 

*A recent study published by the National Association of Scholars revealed that U.S. college professors donate exclusively to Democrats over Republicans by a ratio of 95:1. There is no diversity of thought or opinion on college campuses, only political indoctrination.

*Putative Democrats such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempt to water down the term "Socialist" by placing the word "democratic" in front of it. This is no less absurd than referring to "democratic fascism" or "democratic communism."

*Democrats: "Extremism in defense of abortion is no vice...and moderation in defense of 'gender fluidity' is no virtue."

*There are between 45 and 50 million non-native-born residents in the U.S. today, the most ever, 15-20 million of whom have neither acquired citizenship nor possess green cards. 

*Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro, has suggested that people should "eat a little less." He said it would "be better for the whole world" if people only pooped "every other day." No shit? How often should they breath, Mr. Bolsonaro?

*Robert de Niro wants to see Trump hit in the face with “a bag of shit.” I thought you’d already threatened to punch him, Bobby.
*Nearly all Democrats/leftists/progressives engage in a universal, massive, daily quid pro quo by demanding that others agree with their every thought, feeling and policy prescription. Yet they impeached Trump over a benign phone call in which he sought to shine a light on real abuse of power...and possible election tampering. Can you say, "hypocritical scum?"

*Elizabeth Warren's maiden name is "Herring." There's something fishy about that, like many things pertaining to the Senator from Massachusetts. Her current husband is Bruce "Mann." That seems a bit misogynistic, not very politically-correct. No wonder why she didn't take his name. But she proposed to him. She was still married to her previous husband, Jim Warren, at the time, though she chooses not to remember it that way. Imagine that. 

*There was no quid pro quo. The Ukrainian president himself said it. The defense aid in question was released in mid-September without Ukraine committing to anything. Period. The Democrats, on the other hand, are engaged in a massive quid pro quo. If Trump doesn't leave office, they will never, ever quit attacking him. Lies, slander, innuendo, whatever it takes. There is no low to which they will not go. 

*Aleksander Kwasniewski, Poland's former president, serves on the board of Burisma Holdings. He recently admitted that Hunter Biden was hired to the company's advisory board because of his name. What a stunning admission. What will he tell us next? That the sun rises in the East? The Earth revolves around the sun? Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is a doofus? 

*Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) recently said Ben Carson, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, lacks the "intelligence" to "do the job." This is akin to Trump cautioning someone else to tweet less. Carson's I.Q. is likely double that possessed by Waters. 

*The band Coldplay has temporarily ceased touring in an attempt to lessen its carbon footprint and help the environment. The band's decision certainly will help reduce noise pollution.  

*If we were to go from a Trump presidency to a Biden presidency it would be like switching from "Jolt" or a 5-Hour Energy Drink to... Sominex.

*I know who "the whistle-blower" is. But I can't tell you. Sorry. 

*In the U.S., every media outlet, college and big business boardroom is speaking out against "white supremacy." Everything is now considered evidence of "white supremacy." Which disproves the very notion of its (supposed) prevalence.  

*The pest control company Orkin recently released data showing that Chicago is the most rat-infested city in America, followed by Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. Funny, each of these cities is-- and has been-- totally controlled by Democrats for decades.

*13 and 1/2 years ago, Al Gore told us that, "unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next ten years, the world will reach a point of no return." Well, we're 3 & 1/2 years past that...

*It is time for those in the West to wake the hell up and realize that radical progressives and leftists pose a clear and present-- existential-- danger to their societies. Global warming will not end the world in 10-- or 20, or 200-- years. At its present pace, the left will see to the destruction of Western society within 10 years. That is not an exaggeration. Think unchecked immigration, the Green New Deal, the erasing of history and standards, etc., etc.

*"Ready. Fire! Aim." has nothing on "Impeach! Vote. Hold trial."

*Former vice-president Joe Biden made yet another gaffe while on the campaign trail recently. He claimed his child tax credit would put "720 million women" into the work force. There are about 330 million people in the United States, approximately half of them women. There are currently about 5.85 million people unemployed in the U.S.-- total. And they say Trump exaggerates.

*Musician Eddie Money died September 13th. The Search is Over, Eddie. Here's hoping you had a ticket to Paradise.

*Progressives' policies to aid the homeless have made things dramatically worse. For everybody. Seattle now spends almost $100,000 per homeless person, attracting the homeless from all over. Large swaths of the city are increasingly littered with garbage, needles and human feces. And the homeless are still homeless.

*"Good afternoon, thank you for calling Planned Parenthood and the Climate Change Abatement Center."

*A "Supervolcano" under Yellowstone National Park, one of 20 such on Earth, could plunge the planet into a period of much colder temperatures if it erupted, claimed an op-ed in The New York Times. This is "the greatest threat to human life" and could be "the greatest catastrophe since the dawn of civilization" according to End Times author Bryan Walsh. And we are worried sick about global warming.

*A government program in Los Angeles aims to house the homeless, but the cost of each new apartment unit now exceeds that of the median home value in Los Angeles County, $690,000 to $618,000. Governments, historically, don't understand the supply and demand curve. This is one reason why they should never attempt to control the economy.

*Beto O' Rourke said "precisely zero" terrorists have ever been connected with the U.S.-Mexico border in order to do harm to people in the United States. Yeah, right. (O' Rourke himself has been arrested for burglary and for leaving the scene of an accident in which he was subsequently charged with D.U.I. He claims he "accidentally" left the scene, earning him the Teddy Kennedy Award for Most Preposterous Lie Involving An Automobile).

*Nike also recently pulled a line of sneakers from China because the Japanese firm they partnered with to make them had tweeted "Go Hong Kong" during the recent protests there, offending China's Communist government. Spineless. The company also folded when one man, Colin Kaepernick, recently objected to the Betsy Ross flag adorning one of its sneakers. Now it cowers before Chi-comm despots in China. It doesn't seem to place much value on freedom. Pathetic.

*Democrats: "No one is above the law. Except us. And illegal aliens."

*A recent Rasmussen poll found that one-out-of-three Democrats thinks it is racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color. Must work the other way around, too, right?

*Those who wish to fundamentally transform America need to be fundamentally transformed...starting with the mainstream media.

*It's now not enough for Democrats to talk down to American citizens. Or over them. Now they are not even speaking their language. In an all-out, overt attempt to court the millions coming across our southern border, three Dems in the recent debates gave an answer to a moderator's question in Spanish. And a big middle finger to the very citizens they were supposedly elected to represent.

*Not a single Democrat in the June 26th debate had the courage to say no when asked if they were for providing free health care to illegal aliens coming across the southern border of the U.S. Who are they representing?

*Rep. Al Green (D-Tex.) actually said President Trump should be impeached because he doesn't like his policies. Wow. By that "standard," every past president would have been impeached and every future president will be-- impeached. Chaos and collapse would obviously ensue.

*By doing everything in their power to prevent a literal wall from going up on our southern border, Democrats have erected a figurative wall against law, order, merit and assimilation.

*The only way Democrats would ever admit God exists would be if they could then charge Him with colluding with Russia.

*The average teacher in the U.S. earns more himself/herself than does the average American terms of total compensation. As National Review notes, in Milwaukee, site of some of the worst public schools in the nation, teachers earn an average total compensation in excess of $100,000 a year. This despite the fact that education majors usually have the lowest grades and standardized test scores of any undergraduate group.

*U.S. government spending on higher education is higher than ever. The return on investment is lower than ever, as the likes of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and Beto R'Rourke make painfully clear.

*The U.S. economy expanded at an annualized rate of 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019. The unemployment rate is low. And yet the inflation rate is low, too. That's what tax cuts and deregulation can do.

*Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) recently said she experiences a "calming feeling" when she thinks about the Holocaust. That doesn't apply to the rest of us, or to how we feel when thinking about Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

*Single-payer health-care proposals would cost the U.S. more than $3 trillion a year. That is more than twice the amount the federal government collects in individual income taxes. Hmm.

*According to a Gallup survey, fully 80% of Americans rate the quality of their health-care "excellent" or "good." Hmm.

*The vast majority of federal laws are now really government regulations or orders written by faceless, unelected bureaucrats, not Constitutionally sanctioned laws enacted by Congress and signed by the president. Sad. No, tragic, really.

*The most avid virtue-signalers today, those that are certain they are right, are usually the least informed members of society. These uneducated folks no longer know what they don't know. And now they don't even know that.

*Mermaids UK teaches children in British schools that they might have been born in the "wrong body." Whether one believes in God or nature...or nothing at all...this is preposterous. And dangerous. Very, very dangerous.

*Warner Brothers is set to make a film about the father of Venus and Serena Williams, the great tennis playing sisters. The studio recruited Will Smith, an accomplished actor to play the part. This upset some leftists. Why? Because Richard Williams is very dark-skinned and Will Smith is only medium-dark. Sad and pathetic.

*If a gay baker must bake a cake for a gay couple, must a black baker bake a cake for a wedding of two KKK members?

*Nearly two weeks before the terrorist attacks that killed and injured many hundreds of people in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, Sri Lankan authorities were warned that a radical domestic Islamic group was planning attacks targeting Christians on the holy day. Yet, the authorities took no substantive action. It is ever thus.

*When will there be a #MeToo style movement for conservatives, the one minority that truly is consistently battered and oppressed en masse?

*The Democratic Party: Making Infanticide Great Again! (MIGA)

*Many "woke" folk don't like the age-old binary gender choice of man or woman. Soon, "dead" or "alive" will be under attack for being non-inclusive binary choices/descriptions, as well. We've already heard the terms half-dead and undead. Be prepared for "transliving," "pandead" and "nanoliving" to come into vogue in the very near future.

*If the Confederate images are sandblasted off Stone Mountain in Georgia, the horses the Reb leaders are riding should be allowed to stay. After all, they were victims, too.

*What's the definition of arrogance? When President Lyndon Johnson visited Pope Paul VI in December, 1967, he gave the pontiff a bronze and plaster bust...of himself.

*In December of 1862, House Democrats proposed a resolution characterizing President Lincoln's emancipation of slaves as "a high crime against the Constitution."

*If the current crop of Democratic presidential candidates are a guide, it will soon be impossible to be considered electable if you don't say "dude," "like," "whatever," or "fuck" enough. Sad.

*54 of 93 Nebraska counties are disaster areas. Massive, historic flooding has cut off some towns from the rest of the world. The extent of the flooding is almost incomprehensible. Damage is severe and clean-up will take a very long time. Yet nothing is reported on the mainstream news outlets. This catastrophe has only afflicted the largely white folks in "flyover country," therefore it is not newsworthy.

*The American public school system is a clear and present-- existential-- danger to the republic, as the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris make all too clear.

*As National Review recently noted, Venezuela is No. 1 in oil the world. It is No. 6 in gas and No. 10 in water. "Yet Venezuelans, in their everyday lives, lack all of those things."

*In  the 1970s, prior to the Reagan administration, only one-third of Latin Americans lived under democratic government. 90% do so today.

*How far left has the Democratic Party gone? Howard Schultz, a long-time Democrat, cannot run for president in his own party. Bernie Sanders, who is not a Democrat can. Because he is an avowed-- and proud-- Socialist. Amazing. And sad.

*A woman was allowed to bring her Pit Bull into the Portland International Airport as an "emotional support animal." It bit a 5-year-old girl in the face in the gate waiting area. This growing trend has got to stop. What's next to be approved as an emotional support animal? A hyena? Black Widow spider?

*A new study by the American Action Forum says that the Green New Deal being pushed by radical socialists in the Democratic Party would cost American taxpayers $94.4 trillion over ten years, or about $600,000 per household. Which is unfortunate in that the average American household income is about $60,000 a year. 

*"Misgendering" someone is a crime, but degendering someone is fine? Beam me up, Scotty!

*It appears break-dancing may be one of the new sports to be included for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. What's next, "moon-walking?" Yodeling? (The Swiss would be prohibitive favorites).

*The Washington Post actually fact-checked President Trump's remark that the "one thousand burgers" he bought for the Clemson Tigers championship football team were "piled up a mile high." It pointed out to its readers that "at two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high." Yes, if stacked atop one another, they would only have reached 166 feet, 8 inches high. If there were 1,000 of them. And if they wouldn't fall down after being stacked 20 or 30 high. And if Trump meant it literally. Democracy saved again, thanks to the brilliant, honest and unbiased folks at The Post. Assholes.

*Stacy Abrams (D-GA) says she doesn't oppose non-citizens voting in municipal elections. Great, let's get those mail-in ballots out to Macedonians, Albanians, Greeks, Vietnamese...

*Democrats think it is abhorrent to spend $5 billion to build a wall to protect the southern border of the United States. Yet, many of them think nothing of spending untold trillions to eliminate the internal-combustion engine and "farting cows." In a just and sane world, they would be a pathetic joke, relegated to the trash heap of history. 

*Kennesaw State University's LGBT Resource Center recently produced a new pamphlet that adds "ne," to the list of approved gender neutral pronouns. It is a Monty Python world. "You, who until recently we did not call 'ne'..."

*"Life-threatening" cold is descending upon the North-Central United States, with wind-chills as low as 60 below zero. Wish Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was here. It is not global warming that is the existential climatic threat. (This post dated January 29, 2019).

*A Yale University senior has asked her classmates to quit referring to the Graduate and Professional Student Center at Yale, more commonly know among students as "GPSCY" GPSCY. Why? "The word is a slur," she says, against "a historically marginalized itinerant ethnic group," since it is pronounced as "gypsy." No, it's a harmless ACRONYM. Get A Life, GAL. 

*A recent investigation revealed that roughly 95,000 people identified by the Texas Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens are registered to vote (in the state of Texas alone), according to KXAN-TV. That is more than enough to undo the will of the people-- meaning actual citizens of the state-- in many elections. 

*The migrant caravans coming across Mexico into the U.S. are anything but spontaneous. They are carefully choreographed, with organizers shouting instructions and putting select persons in front of cameras. There are rest stops with food, water and shelter along the way. Moreover, Guatemala's president announced in October that the nation had apprehended nearly 100 ISIS terrorists. It is a clear-- indeed self-evident-- matter of national security to gain full control of our borders. 

*The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child once scolded the Catholic Church for its anti-abortion stance. Mind-boggling. 

*Democrats looked awfully silly frolicking on the beaches of Puerto Rico and other garden spots while bemoaning the "government shutdown" and those federal employees out of work. 

*(Actor) Christian Bale recently won a Golden Globe award for his portrayal of former vice-president Dick Cheney. Upon accepting the prize he exclaimed, "Thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role." 

*The country that has admitted the most migrants per capita recently is.....Sweden. In 2015 alone the Scandinavian nation of 10 million added almost 2% to its population. The result? A massive spike in crime, "vulnerable" neighborhoods and "no-go zones." Sad, unnecessary.....and not good for anyone.

*Stripped of all traditional and religious beliefs, the modern university student is a perfectly amoral vessel (vassal?) ready to be reprogrammed with hyper-conformist progressive dogma by his or her elitist masters. 

*Democrats are so concerned about the "government shutdown." Nancy Pelosi is on holiday at a posh Hawaiian resort. Maxine Waters is relaxing in the Bahamas. Chuck Schumer is nowhere to be found. President Trump stayed in Washington. What a bunch of hypocrites.

*Between July 1st, 2017 and July 1st, 2018, New York lost 48,510 residents according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the most of any state. Love those leftist policies.

*Why are transgenders allowed to appropriate another sex?!

*Of all the states in the U.S., California has the highest percentage of people 25 and older who never advanced past the 9th grade. It is also dead last for the percentage who have graduated from high school. Love those leftist policies.

*Between 1998 and 2014, the U.S. did not build a single new oil refinery. (Yet, Obama recently took full credit for the rise in U.S. oil production).

*Smartphone voting is coming. If not in 2020 or 2022, then soon thereafter. The more this practice is implemented, the worse for the GOP. The potential for hacking is enormous, and tech savvy folks tend to be young urbanites... and very progressive.

*The brilliant young conservative Ben Shapiro perfectly addressed health care recently, noting: “Better access to high-quality health care can only be made a reality by an increase in supply, not demand; through innovation, not regulation; through incentivization, not cramdowns. And that means that all of the fulminating over ‘Medicare-for-all’ misses the point and often hangs those most in need out to dry.”

*The National Republican Congressional Committee was hacked during the 2018 election after hiring CrowdStrike, the very same cyber-firm that the Democratic National Committee employed that allowed DNC emails to be stolen even after the 2016 hack was detected. You can't fix stupid.

*Georgia Tech's Young Democratic Socialists are protesting former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's scheduled December 15 commencement speech. They are plastering anti-Rice flyers around school grounds, for the usual bullshit, trumped-up progressive reasons. Rice was the first black Secretary of State. They are obviously racists and white supremacists all.

*At this (early) juncture, it appears that absolutely no one in-- or affiliated with-- the Democratic Party has ruled out running in 2020. This is going to be fun, folks!

*During the last recession, the Obama administration spent hundreds of billions of dollars on unemployment insurance expansions, food stamps, Obamacare, solar energy subsidies, bailouts, etc., etc., but, even according to the administration's own numbers, unemployment increased to a level higher than if we had not spent the money at all, Newsmax reports.

*As the National Review wryly pointed out, at the rate the 2018 election recounts have gone, it'll soon be announced that Samuel J. Tilden won, too.

*Medicare for all, an idea progressive Democrats such as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are championing, would cost $32 trillion over ten years, in financial costs alone, making Medicare's share of the federal budget rise to about 58% by 2022. That would impoverish America, and likely the world.

*Democrats trying to steal elections outright in Florida, even after winning roughly 40 seats in the House, thereby taking control of it...and no protests, riots or violence from Republicans. Amazing. Think about it.

*An elderly South Carolina voter was told that he had to remove his pro-Trump shirt before he would be allowed to vote. Does anyone seriously believe someone wearing an Obama shirt would've been treated the same way?

*A new Japanese study found that suicide rates among middle-aged male office workers peak on Mondays. Duh!

*With the Democrats winning the House, look for incessant investigations of-- and possible impeachment hearings for-- President Trump. The good news is they may well vastly overreach, as they did in the Kavanaugh witch trials, irritating many independents and setting Trump up for victory in 2020.

*The U.S. unemployment rate reached 3.7% in September, its lowest rate in nearly 50 years.

*U.S. GDP growth was an anemic 1.9% when President Trump took office. It reached 4.1% in the second quarter of 2018.

*The University of Leicester has told its academics to say the word "menopause" three times a day. Really. The goal is to normalize and destigmatise the term and get people to talk confidently about it, creating a "dramatic culture change." The school even created a permanent "menopause cafe" in the staff dining area. Pass the ketchup. Men, oh, pause...please.

*According to many on the left, the U.S. is “stolen land.” How come when Europeans came to a sparsely populated wilderness they “stole” the land, but when illegal immigrants try to break into a heavily populated modern nation we must let them all in and provide for them as if they were our saviors? 

*In July, the U.S. jobless rate for workers without a high school diploma fell to 5.1 percent, the lowest rate ever since the Labor Department began keeping track of that statistic in 1992. 

*What if a man who identifies as a woman allegedly harasses a woman? This is a progressive conundrum. Who will the leftist believe? 

*A 22-year-old female Georgetown law student recently wore a shirt proclaiming "All Men Are Trash" while protesting outside the Dirksen Senate Office building in Washington, D.C. Another women told her she loved the shirt, saying, "It's amazing!" There are many things one could say about the shirt sporting three one-syllable words. "Amazing" isn't one of them.

*Communist agitators utilized Twitter to formulate plans for violent, armed insurrection against their enemies, according to Far Left Watch. A co-host of the podcast "The Guillotine" suggested the focus should be on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. Apparently, this message was originally okay with Twitter. 

*China funds "Confucius Institutes" at more than 100 American universities. These programs are supposedly dedicated to teaching students Chinese language, history and culture. But the curriculum is tightly controlled by the government and makes it nearly impossible for students and faculty to speak truthfully about the Communist Party. Some in the American intelligence community believe that these institutes are also engaged in surveillance and espionage. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has recently successfully inserted a provision into the National Defense Authorization Act preventing universities that receive funds from the Pentagon from funding Confucius Institutes. Bravo, Sen. Cruz, bravo!

*Since January 1st, 1933, the Dow, including dividends reinvested, has risen by nearly 58,000%, adjusting for inflation, according to Ben Stein. Let's see: Cuba, Venezuela, et. al., not so much. Capitalism or socialism? 

*The federal government collected a record $1,521,589,000,000 in individual income taxes through the first 11 months of fiscal 2018. (October 2017 through August 2018).Once again, tax cuts jump-start the economy and bring in more money, not less. It is spending that is wildly out of control. 

*Democrats in the Kavanaugh hearings have continuously interrupted speakers, resorted to shouting and wailing, and generally comported themselves like toddlers acting out. They are behaving like spoiled, entitled, frustrated monkeys flinging feces at those who happen to oppose them. And, no, the use of  "monkey" here is not a racist dog-whistle. 

*A 2017 poll found that about 40% of Millennials have never sent a handwritten letter. 

*In early 2018, the GOP fell to third place on California's party-registration rolls behind Democrats and Independents. It won't be long before the Green Party and the Silly Party overtake the Republicans in popularity in the Golden State. National Review's Luke Thompson noted: "No GOP candidate has a realistic path to statewide office for the foreseeable future." 

*There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. There are known knowns—supposedly, such as global warming—but could there conceivably even be unknown knowns…things we know without knowing we know them? 

*The National Institute of Health is spending more than $300,000 to study bars along the U.S.-Mexico border to see if they have "more dancing" and "louder music" than other bars, the Free Beacon reports. That should make taxpayers reach for their Coronas.

*Star Wars writers have apparently confirmed that the character Lando Calrissian is pansexual. "Remember, the fluidity will be with you, always," L.C.

* Charles M. Blow of the New York Times doesn't think the president is hard enough on Vladimir Putin. Therefore, he recently wrote a column headlined "Trump, Treasonous Traitor." Mildly impressive alliteration, wildly off-base smear.

*California's poverty rate, adjusted for the cost of living, is the U.S.'s highest. The proportion of its citizens facing severe poverty is greater than that of Mississippi's. It is nearly impossible for a middle class family to purchase a decent house. San Francisco has instituted a "poop control" squad to clean its public areas of human excrement. What happened to the erstwhile "Land of Milk and Honey?" The same thing that happened to Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Leftist politicians destroyed it.

*The New York Times purchased The Boston Globe in 1993 for $1.1 billion. It sold it in 2015 for $70 million, a loss of 93.6%. Hard to paper over that. The Truth.

*Ayn Rand once said: "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see." Perfectly sums up Trump Derangement Syndrome, progressive's views on socialism and identity politics, and the mainstream media's obsession with the trivial over the vital.

*Liberal/progressive professors outnumber conservative ones on American college campuses by roughly 12-to-1!
*Scientists have produced the firmest evidence yet of so-called “sterile neutrinos,” mysterious particles that pass through matter without interacting with it at all. (Much like Mitch McConnell and Attorney General Jeff Sessions)!
*Lena Dunham recently warned her millions of Twitter fans to "never trust anyone who doesn't regularly french-kiss animals." She deleted the tweet. Never trust anyone who would french-kiss Lena Dunham. (Insert your own "bitch" joke).

*Nancy Pelosi, attempting to purport that Democrats have been strong on borders (tee-hee), recently referred to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 as an "incident."

*A "gunman" recently killed 2 people and injured 13 more in Toronto, Canada. The city has a burgeoning reputation for gun violence. How are those draconian gun laws working out for you, Toronto? Perhaps there are more important factors in play here. The perpetrator of this attack? Faisal Hussain.

*Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel recently said he'd prefer a chimpanzee as president over Donald Trump. Many of us would prefer a jackass as host of Jimmy Kimmel Live! over Jimmy Kimmel. Oh, wait. They are one and the same.

*Starbucks announced that it hopes to end use of all single-use plastic straws in its 28,000 stores worldwide by 2020. The "sippy-cup" type lids it is replacing them with actually contain more plastic by weight than the straws do. But, hey, why rain on their virtue-signalling parade?

*The morons who want to "abolish I.C.E." simply want an end to the United States. They may not realize, however, that approximately two-thirds of its time and money is spent on preventing crimes such as sex trafficking and drug-smuggling, while only about one third is spent on border protection and immigration issues.

*Terry Miller won the 100-meters at the Connecticut track-and-field championships in June. Andraya Yarwood finished second. Miller also finished first in the 200-meters. Both of them were born male but now identify as female. Boys will be boys, even when they want to be girls. Sad.

*The New York Times has a new advertising slogan: "The truth demands our attention." Yes, because they have no idea what it is or where to find it.

*A new USA Today poll shows respondents ranked Barack Obama as the worst president since before World War II. George W. Bush and Richard Nixon were ranked as the second and third worst.

*Not only can unions often use space in federal buildings for free, but many federal employees in unions spend much of their time on union business...while getting paid by the taxpayers, many of whom are strongly opposed to their efforts! Good gig if you can get it, I guess.

*Summit, the new supercomputer IBM built for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, can perform 200 quadrillion mathematical calculations per second. If a human could do one calculation per second, it would take him or her over 63 billion years to match what Summit can do in one second.

*In 1958, Pew Research surveys found that 73% of Americans trusted the government to do what's right at least "most of the time." By 2017, that figure had dropped to 18%.

*Former Republican National Committee deputy finance chairman Elliot Broidy impregnated a former Playboy model last year, and paid for her abortion. Broidy resigned his post, assumedly to return to whichever rock he was living under. It is time to drain The Swamp of just such establishment low-lives.

*No matter how hard our ancestors worked to build an affluent, successful democratic republic based on a capitalist, free-market economy, leftists will work even harder to tear it down/destroy it. They ate literally ceaseless, plotting 24/7/365 to convince the rest of us that the West must be completely transformed. They are as rust, wind, waves. Tireless. Inexorable. As long as their efforts don't involve gainful, constructive employment. We conservatives must be as tireless and vigilant or we will consign the world to a new Dark Age.

*Dennis Prager accurately, but sadly, notes: "The most powerful force in America today is fear of the left." The same is true in nearly all of Europe, too. It is time for non-leftists to wake up and act like vertabrates.

*Comey, Mueller, Clapper, Brennan: "Nice country you have there, Mr. a shame if something happened to it."

*I wish Al Gore would have another son and name him Chad. It looks like he won't get that chance, as his current girlfriend is in her 50's. It still could happen, though. One never knows. Don't leave us hanging, Al.

*CNN: It was a dark and Stormy night...

*The refusal of so many leftists to believe in evil goes along with their refusal to believe in God and His Natural Law, the two most important concepts in the universe to a sentient human being. Progressives fill this yawning gap, in part, with the belief in their own self-importance and superiority. They don't truly believe in equivocation, however. They detest traditional American values and free-market capitalism.

*U.S. defense budgets as a percentage of GDP fell from 5.5% in 1991 to 3% in 2001.In 1991 the army had 710,000 troops, in 2001 480,000. The navy was comprised of 592 ships in 1989, but has only 280 today. In contrast, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid accounted for less than half of the federal budget in 1971, but now account for an incredible 70% of all federal spending.

*The left hopes that truth will yield to ignorance, the written word to emojis, logic and reason to pure emotion. That is anything but progressive.

*Leftists aim to see individual thought and free will supplanted by group think. This is how the Tyranny of the Tolerant takes hold.

*South Dakotans are the happiest people in the U.S. according to a new Gallup and Sharecare (a health and wellness company) poll which took into account such things as sense of purpose, finances, and physical health.

*According to a new report from the Cato Institute, dubbed the "Human Freedom Index," Switzerland is the freest nation in the world.

*A new study, published in Psychological Science, finds that the more equality that exists between the sexes, the lower the proportion of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Turns out, if they have few other opportunities, they will enter these fields. However, where they are free to do what they want to do, they actually do what they want to do...and that doesn't usually involve STEM disciplines.

*In America, rifles are used to commit murders less often than are knives...and hammers...and hands and feet. Let's agitate for tools and human limbs to be banned!

*Washington state’s Democratic Governor Jay Inslee recently warned there was “just 59 days” to save future generations from “an endless cycle of crop-killing droughts one year, and rivers spilling their banks the next” due to man-caused climate change. This via a Twitter rant designed to convince the state legislature to pass laws taxing carbon dioxide emissions. 59 days? 

*Putin claims that the U.S. meddles in Russian elections "all the time," but that it is "impossible" for Russia to do the same. Why? He states, "First, we have principles whereby we do not allow others to interfere in our domestic affairs and do not get into the affairs of others..." Principles? Really? If he ever tires of being Russia's President he could be a stand-up comic. Do not get into the affairs of others? Hmm. Warsaw Pact, SSRs, Ukraine, Georgia, etc.

*A new law in Minnesota will make it illegal for a person to grab someone else's butt. If Italy had this law, the entire male population would be incarcerated. 

*Our erstwhile institutions of higher learning have devolved into playgrounds for ignorant, rutting, anti-American anarchists. It is time to push back.

*There haven't been 18 mass school shootings in the U.S. this year so far. There have been five or fewer, depending on how they are defined. 

*There is legislation proposed that would raise the minimum age at which Americans could purchase rifles from 18 to 21. Of course, 18 to 20-year-olds could still join the Army and shoot them in defense of the country that won't let them own one. 

*Rifles are used less often in murders and crime than are knives, hammers, hands and feet-- and automobiles for that matter. 

*$306. That is the average nightly cost of a hotel room in New York City, easily the most expensive place to visit in the world. Washington, D.C., is next at $282, followed by Sydney, Tokyo, and London ($217). 

*The United States is set to become the largest producer of crude oil on Earth in 2018, with a daily production of 10 million barrels, surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia. 

*The very same Democrats who cheered leaks of classified information to the New York Times when George W. Bush was president were dead set against releasing the Nunes memo because, they claimed, it would damage the intelligence community. Speaking of intelligence...

*A smiling Senator Barack Obama posed for a picture with Louis Farrakhan in 2005. The photo was suppressed until January of 2018, after Obama was out of office. Farrakhan preaches that white people resulted from a prehistoric breeding experiment conducted by the evil Dr. Yakub on the island of Patmos. Media reaction? Trump is a racist. Incredible.

*Statistics prove that over half of all illegal aliens who are apprehended due to a prior felony conviction- and yet are subsequently released- will be charged with another criminal violation within five years. Wow.

*Washington, D.C. is the single most Democratic city in America. America's founders wanted separation of church and state. There needs to be separation of Party and State, as well. When 90+% of bureaucrats vote for one party and over half of the wealthiest counties in a vast country consist of suburbs of that country's capital, democracy is doomed. 

*Certainly, more women than men are the victims of harassment. But astronomically more women than men spend significant time complaining about-- and reveling in?-- their victim status. Real, physical harassment is inexcusable, but as for those who are devastated by a guy complimenting their dress or asking for their phone number, well, maybe…#trulyaretheweakersex. 

*Futurist Ian Pearson recently claimed that A.I. could become "billions of times" smarter than humans, and that we might have to merge with it to survive. Well, isn't that special?

*What's $7 trillion among friends...and colleagues? That's how much the new Republican spending bill is likely to add to the federal deficit in the next ten years. Limited government anyone?

*Late-night talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel recently said the reason most talk-show hosts are liberal is that the position "requires a level of intelligence." He didn't say what that level was. Really tough to mouth platitudes and utter "jokes" that others write, Jimmy. Certainly more intellectually taxing than being a rocket scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, CEO, etc., huh? Moron.

*A correspondent for Campus Reform interviewed students at John Jay College in New York City. He read quotes from Barack Obama's SOTU addresses and told them they were from Trump's. The students blasted the quotes as aggressive, over-the-top, dangerous and ridiculous. One even remarked on his "small hands." They were more than a little flustered when informed of the truth. What about that "level of intelligence" thing, Mr. Kimmel?

*Those in the U.S. shouldn't be worried about Russian interference in U.S. presidential elections. They should be worried about U.S. government interference in U.S. presidential elections. Between the massive corruption in the FBI and Department of Injustice and the vast deep-state bureaucracy, the nation is doing an excellent imitation of a banana republic. Tragic and sad.

*The mainstream media is to today's far left Democratic Party as Goebbels was to Hitler. Seriously.

*The Trump administration has approved the sale of lethal defensive weapons to the Ukraine, a departure from previous U.S. policy. Despite the media narrative, the president is getting tougher with Russia.

*California Governor Jerry ("Moonbeam") Brown signed SB 54 into law, which bans officers from asking about immigration status and even prevents them from holding suspects with immigration violations. Sheriffs, both in California and around the country, are not amused. This reckless act will make the average Californian less safe.

*Someone put a pink "pussy" hat on the Harriet Tubman statue in Harlem, New York on Saturday, January 20th, the date of the Women's March. Harriet Tubman was a liberator, someone who risked her own life to make others safer. She was religious, too. She would, in all likelihood, not be pleased that someone defiled her likeness in this manner.

*"Your call is almost unbelievably important to us (which is why we don't have anyone to answer it now). Please hold (possibly until the sun expires) or leave a message at the tone (even though we don't have anyone to listen to that, either). Thanks for calling _______."

*Trump should be carved into Rushmore by Friday. In response to Little Rocket Man's pronouncement that he has a "Nuclear Button" on his desk, ready at all times, he replied: "...I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my button actually works!"

*The Trump administration recently launched "Operation Safe City," a series of raids designed to put pressure on illegal sanctuary jurisdictions. Almost 500 illegal immigrants were arrested. More than 300 of them had previous criminal convictions, including those for aggravated assault, drug trafficking, domestic violence, child molestation, theft of U.S. property, aggravated assault on an officer, larceny, burglary, DUI, and making terroristic threats.

*How did the Earth get by for so many millions of years without humans determining the climate?

*An Australian citizen of Afghani descent drives into a group of Christmas shoppers in Melbourne, injuring at least 18. Another man films the attack while holding a bag of knives. Odd. "Just a coincidence; no terror here say the authorities!"

*New figures released by the Justice Department show that fully 20% of all federal prisoners are non-native-born, and that the overwhelming majority (92%) are illegal immigrants.

*Many of the same people, such as those on "The View," that were incredulous that anyone could hope that president Obama would fail in his agenda, were literally whooping and hollering with joy when they, mistakenly, were under the impression that President Trump had been found guilty of collusion with Russia and would likely be impeached. Disgusting. Sickening. Pathetic. And so typical of the "tolerant" left.

*What will Democrats and their sycophants in the mainstream media try to impeach President Trump for next? Parsing words? Sipping water while on camera? Poorly crafted tweets? Improperly feeding fish? Possessing yellow hair?

*Many folks seem to care more for their dogs than about other people. Would they change their minds about abortion if  we were killing puppies rather than babies?

*Various totalitarian countries have engaged in ethnic cleansing over the years. This despicable, heinous act has resulted in millions of deaths. The West is currently being subjected to "ideological cleansing." This assault on reason is being successfully carried out by leftists because too few conservatives are willing to fight back. Ideological cleansing ultimately will be no less deadly than ethnic cleansing. Literally. Ideological cleansing is a precursor to ethnic cleansing.

*A British company has released the first pictures of the world's first smart prophylactic, the i Con Smart Condom. The device will record intimate data of anyone using it, but will require a standard condom also be worn to protect the user from STDs and causing unwanted pregnancies. The lead engineer for the product called it "non-intrusive." Is that not the very reason condoms are needed?

*Journalist Janell Ross of the Washington Post attended a highly secretive Democratic Alliance meeting in California, also attended by none other than George Soros, the Democratic bag man, and did not disclose this fact to her employer. The gathering of leftist bigwigs was intended to plot the way forward for Progressivism, and the meeting's leaders wanted to keep the identities of those in attendance under wraps. "Democracy Dies In Darkness," huh?

*J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans raised $37 million for Hurricane Harvey victims this year, while Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem last year, when he was actually employed by the NFL. Therefore, GQ magazine naturally proclaimed Kaepernick its "Man of the Year" for 2017. Let's see...making things better for victims of a catastrophe, or shunning your own country's flag and anthem? Hmmm. What is more...manly?

*File this one under the category, "All you need to know:" Iran chose to let its own citizens-  victimized by an earthquake- die...rather than accept help from Israel.

*The third Global Atheist Convention, titled "Reason to Hope," was scheduled to be held in Melbourne, Australia in February of 2018. It has been cancelled due to lack of interest, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Now that is a reason to hope.

*If men and women are the same, why has every society in the history of the world used two different sets of terms to describe them? "Man, woman, male, female," etc., would be moot, needless, meaningless, confusing, and an inefficient, pointless, exercise in verbosity. Male or female, she-male or he-male...lets just settle on one term for all. Emale?

*On the other hand, if there were no difference between men and women, there would be no men or women. Kind of a significant point, I think.

*The New York Times is suing a lady named Contessa Bourbon for masquerading as a reporter for the paper. Apparently, Ms. Bourbon has been pretending to be a Gray Lady journalist since a Brookings Institute event in 2013. The Times shouldn't be too surprised or upset. Most of its actual writers have been masquerading as journalists and reporters for a long time, just as the paper itself pretends to be unbiased.

*Why is it I get the feeling that people everywhere in the world think the world is going to hell in the proverbial hand-basket? We've never been wealthier or had more tech-gadgets and "toys." Maybe that should tell us something.

*I tend to agree with Mark Steyn who said that the meeting between Clapper, Comey and Trump on the "dirty dossier" only- and only- took place so news of it could be leaked to the press. No substance there. Disturbing indeed.

*Visa is now offering companies bonuses of up to $10,000 if they'll stop accepting cash. It will soon be a cashless world, and governments will rejoice. Why? Because all transactions will then be easily tracked. "Ve haf vays uf knowing ver you go, vat you do, buy, eat...ja? Jawohl!"

*The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is spending $438,699...or study "whether gender norms of masculinity and femininity lead LGBTQ individuals to drink to much." That's sick. I need a drink.

*A CNN commentator recently said, on the air: "Trump is unfit to be human." Well, we certainly know we can trust that network's analysis to be fair and balanced. Wonder what that "journalist" said about Wiener or Weinstein?

*One knows the end is nigh when one hears Hillary Clinton say of Harvey Weinstein: "The behavior described by the women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior." Now, about your hubby, Hillary...

*Curiously, many of the same people who vehemently/belligerently support NFL players ‘free speech’ rights also favor banning ‘conservative’ figures from speaking on college campuses.

*The left imbues inanimate objects with the capacity for evil, because it refuses to acknowledge the obvious evil in some humans.

*The Egyptian parliament considered a law that would ban parents from giving their children "Western names"...because, said the member of parliament who proposed it, they are hard for Arabs to pronounce. Who's xenophobic?

*Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain was asked what he'd serve President Trump if he ever had the chance to cook for him. He said he'd poison him. (Guessing he's not going to get that chance now). The media? Couldn't care less about the threat to kill the Commander-in-Chief. Hate speech apparently isn't determined by what is said, but by who is saying it...about whom. Sick.

*All standards, whether they be academic, physical, or moral- are now considered racist, homophobic, sexist, or in some other way intolerant or bigoted. No society can survive this mindset.

*Students at Vista Del Lago High School in Folsom, California have been warned that chanting "USA" at sporting events and pep rallies could appear to be inappropriate, intolerant, and offensive to some.

 *To most college-educated millennials and others of a leftist bent, everything is up for equivocation, everything is relative, everything is okay, except standards and the concept of knowable truth. It is a knowable truth that this eventually fosters the absolute breakdown of society…to the tragic detriment of everyone. 

*Let's be perfectly clear: if China wanted to end the North Korean crisis it would. China accounts for over 90% of the Hermit Kingdom's external trade...and more than 90% of its oil, as well.

*An evangelical research group has come out with a list of the ten most post-Christian, or secular, cities in the United States. It probably won't shock anyone that 8 of them are in the New York-New England area of the Northeast, including Boston and New York City, and the other two, Seattle and San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose, are on the West Coast.

*Happily, "Old Ironsides," the U.S.S. Constitution, is back resting comfortably atop the briny. The famous ship, which was launched in the 1790s, had been in dry dock the past two years for repairs. She can be seen- and potentially toured- at Boston's Charlestown Navy Yard.

*Yet another "progressive" has called for President Trump to be assassinated. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democratic state Senator from Missouri, recently posted, "I hope Trump is assassinated" on her Facebook page. She deleted the post, but only after a screenshot of it was taken and posted on Twitter. And the media is concerned about Trump's mental health?

*It seems literally nothing is inclusive enough for leftists. Except for the phrase "All Lives Matter," which they somehow deem too inclusive. That mental health thing again.

*Almost incomprehensibly, ESPN has removed Robert Lee from the broadcast team that will air the Virginia-William & Mary football game on September 2nd, due to his name being nearly identical to that of the great Confederate general Robert E. Lee. The facts that ESPN's Lee is Asian, and that Robert E. Lee died 147 years ago didn't matter to the hyper-progressive network, whose leaders were concerned that some people could be offended. Somehow.

*The famous movie line goes: "You can't handle the truth." In the West today, you can't speak the truth. Very soon, most will be unable to even recognize the truth. And a growing number of progressives don't believe that absolute truth even exists. If there is no truth, nothing matters. If nothing matters, chaos, perversion and violence will reign...and society will be rapidly destroyed.

*It now appears that former Venezuelan military chief and head of the country's Socialist Party, Diosdado Cabello, may have issued an order to assassinate Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the Miami Herald reported recently. Maybe that's why Trump threatened them.

*According to the U.S.'s Government Accountability Office (giggle), 22 different agencies improperly paid out $144 billion last year. I'm sure the Americans who benefited from the massive erroneous largesse aren't complaining. Taxpayers should.

*Of the 20 largest cities in the United States, Chicago is the only one that experienced a net loss in population last year. And the trend is- understandably- accelerating. Illinois lost over 37,500 residents, more than any other state last year. Punitive taxation and over-regulation are causing its citizens to flee to more...welcoming and inclusive states.

*The Trump administration's commission on election integrity asked the states to provide information about their voter rolls. Many states have "flipped out" over this request, claiming it's an assault on voter privacy.. This is odd, as the request is limited to information that is already publicly available under the states' own laws. Oh, and many of these very same states sell this information to interested parties.

*A pending measure in the great state of Oregon would require all insurance companies in the state to cover abortion procedures and various other reproductive services at no cost to patients, regardless of income. This radical bill would mandate taxpayer-funded coverage for abortion for any reason and at any time, including late-term and sex-selective abortions. 

*Gertrude Himmelfarb has a new book out. In it she states that our (Western) society has been "de-moralized," in the sense that morality has been erased or pushed to the sidelines. She avers that we need to be "re-moralized." Just so, Gertrude, just so.

*Virtually all of the West- and its citizens- appears to be in the throws of a massive and unprecedented identity crisis. Gender, religious, social, cultural, national, etc. Sad.

*It's probably a good thing Adam and Eve weren't gay or non-gendered. Just sayin'.

*Texas had the fastest growing economy in the United States in the first quarter of 2017, according to data recently released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, with a real annual growth rate of 3.9%. California, the most populous state in the union, was 42nd, with a GDP (barely) growing at a real annual rate of 0.1%. This is no surprise, as Texas welcomes and supports businesses while California now regulates and berates them.

*Sweden admitted 162,000 migrants in 2015, according to government statistics. Only 494 got jobs. The other 99.7%?

*If "appropriation" is bad, why has the LGBTQIA "community" been allowed to appropriate so many letters of our alphabet?

*Progressives think "the science is settled" when it comes to man-caused global warming, but not when it comes to the existence of two sexes. Mind-boggling.

*Top American intelligence officials say the U.S.'s missile shield around North Korea is currently able to shoot down the Hermit Kingdom's missiles. When Ronald Reagan proposed such a missile defense system, liberals mocked him and called his proposal the "Star Wars Defense Initiative," or SDI, as if it could only exist in science fiction movies. 

*Utah senator Mike Lee's office has issued a report showing that fewer Americans are married, participating in religious bodies, socializing with neighbors, or even working than in past years. This is a deeply troubling trend, especially coming-as it does- at the outset of an explosion in A.I. that is likely to strengthen these trends.

*Great new bumper sticker: "America: --Designed by Geniuses, Run By Idiots"

*The world's Muslim population is projected to grow by a staggering 70% between 2015 and 2060, according to a study by the Pew Research Center. 

*”A Brief History of History” [Progressive Version]: 1) The Big Bang. 2) Lightning hits primordial soup. 3) Dinosaurs roam the earth. 4) Asteroid hits planet. 5) Homo Sapiens arrives. 6) Crusades. 7) Columbus discovers America. 8) Dark Ages.

*’If you don’t believe in gun control, then you shouldn’t be surprised when you’re killed by a gun,” so tweeted a leftist moron recently. Leftist moron went on to say, “No sympathy here, ignorant asshole,” referring to the Alexandria shootings.  Oh? Well, if you don’t believe in holding Islamic terrorists responsible, don’t want a border wall, blame others for terrorist’s acts, etc., then don’t be surprised when you’re killed by an Islamic terrorist. Don’t expect us to cry over your demise due to the obvious idiocy of your position. In other words, “No sympathy here, ignorant asshole.” 

*The ongoing attempted coup against President Trump has turned overtly violent. The only question is whether he can somehow find a way to stay in office...against all odds.

*Lena Dunham picked Father's Day to tweet that dads aren't necessary. She said, "You don't need a father--so many families work so many ways..." Of course, she wouldn't exist if not for a father. In retrospect, it's too bad she had one.

*James T. Hodgkinson, the perpetrator of the attack on House Republicans in Alexandria, Virginia recently, was found to have a list of Republican congressmen on notepad paper in his pockets. The six names so far released are all members of the House Freedom Caucus, the most conservative members of the lower chamber. This proves beyond a doubt it wasn't a random shooting.

*Democratic Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe told reporters today that 93 million Americans die every day due to gun violence. He actually stated that twice, before a sympathetic reporter (is there any other kind when dealing with Democrats?) gently guided him to correct his insanely ignorant and preposterous statement. There are only about 300 million Americans in total, so. at that rate, every single American- man, woman and child- would be exterminated in less than four days. The figure the astoundingly addled governor may have been searching for is...93 a day. That's significantly different than 93 million a day. Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life here.

*Congressional leaders have delivered a $1 trillion omnibus spending bill that would fund the government through the end of fiscal year 2017. Tragically, the bill does not defund Planned Parenthood or public broadcasting, and the National Endowment for the Arts' budget is actually increased. It does not include cuts to the various domestic agencies that the president has earlier proposed, nor provide money for his border wall. It does fund California's high-speed rail. Who controls the White House and both branches of  Congress? Pathetic.

*Bernie Sanders' income topped one million dollars in 2016, a Vermont newspaper reported, including a $795,000 book deal advance, which far surpasses fellow socialist Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass) book advance of a paltry $200,000. Feel the Bern!

*A Veteran's Affairs hospital in West Virginia proposed spending $10 million to add 25 spaces to one of its parking lots. The U.S. payed $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, a territory that encompassed some 828,000 square miles. These parking spaces total 5,000 square feet. The project is still going forward, apparently. Your tax dollars at work, America!

*Former President Obama famously lambasted the rich and powerful, often excoriating the very Wall Street types he and Hillary helped bail out. Not satisfied with the $400,000 a speech ransom they are raking in from Barack's chats to large corporations, the Obamas have reportedly signed a book deal with Penguin Random House worth more than $65 million for their post-White House memoirs. Gag me.
*Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Friday, May 26th, that the terror threat is worse than most people realize, stating that many people would "never leave the house" if they knew the truth. He noted there were four major terror attacks in just the week prior to his remarks— in England, Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia — "by generally the same groups." The families of those who lost their lives in today’s (June 3rd, 2017) barbaric attacks on London probably wish their loved ones never left their houses today.
*The Trump administration has announced ten judicial nominees to the federal court. They are all competent, mature, professional, accomplished...and conservative. Judicial nominees are, thus far, the best feature of the Trump presidency.

*David Letterman, former Late Night host, on President Trump: "He was just a big, wealthy dope who'd come on and we'd make fun of his hair." Mr. Letterman, look in the mirror.

*The Manchester bomber's father has been linked to Al Qaeda, his brother to ISIS, yet English politicians and officials, on the whole, can't formulate the words, "Islamic terror." Pathetic. This is, clearly, not their finest hour. Mr. Churchill, we all need you.

*Federal Election Commission data, analyzed by The Hill, show that 95% of the money donated by  federal government employees who contributed more than $200 to a presidential campaign went to Hillary Clinton. Ninety-five percent. Guess who pays the government employees? The system is rigged.

*A new report from Politico reveals that, in order to reach a nuclear accord with Iran, then President Obama agreed to the release of seven Iranian-born prisoners that his own Justice Department believed were a grave threat to America's national-security. 

*Incredibly, some avid multiculturalists say that Americans should accept female genital mutilation because it's prevalent in other countries. So is syphilis. And cannibalism.

*Saudi Arabia was recently elected to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. Iran is already on the commission. That should tell you everything you need to know about the U.N.

*I can't, in good conscience, engage in "con-science." And I won't. Global warming is not science, it is the religion of the irreligious. Period.

*The only college-age kids who may actually deserve "safe spaces" are those in the military. Of course, most of them would be repulsed by the notion.

*A new Pew Research Center study reveals that the United States is home to more immigrants than any other country in the world. More than 40 million people currently living in the U.S. were born in another country. That means a staggering one-fifth of the entire world's migrant population call the U.S. home.

*President Trump met with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, as well as musicians Kid Rock and Ted Nugent at the White House last week. Over dinner, he assured the trio that he was a "Constitutionally-driven Commander-in-Chief." Let's hope so.

*The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation recently released its first Annual Report on U.S. Attitudes Towards Socialism. One of its findings? Thirty-two percent of Millennials believe that George W. Bush killed more people than Stalin. 

*Entitlements and interest on the debt alone constitute 70% of the federal budget of the United States. At the current trajectory, it won't be long before that figure is 100%. Game over.

*Kamala Harris (D., California), actually complained that then Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch (now Justice) paid too much attention to "legalisms."  Is that a bad trait in a judge, Kamala? Wow.

*Speaking of the mainstream media, The Detroit News' slogan is: "We Know Where You Live." Really? In this day and age that seems a little dark and foreboding, lol.

*Chicago a war zone? Worse, actually. From 2009 through 2016, 293 Americans were killed fighting in Iraq. During that same period, 3,973 people were murdered in Chicago, 762 of them last year alone. How are those extremely strict gun-control laws working for you, Chicagoans? 

*Supreme Court Justices are supposed to believe in original intent and interpret the law, not make the law...that is the legislature's job. Most liberal judges, however, want to enforce political correctness and push social justice causes. Neil Gorsuch is a sane, objective nominee who would soberly interpret the law. Republicans must see that he gets confirmed. Gorsuch received unanimous Senate confirmation to be an appellate court justice back in 2006. That only two Democrats appear likely to approve his nomination currently is a preposterous travesty, and shows what has happened to their party.

*Hillary Clinton spent $1.2 billion on her recent losing presidential campaign, twice as much as Donald Trump spent, and an  all-time record high. By contrast, in 2012, Obama spent a little over $700 million to get re-elected while Mitt Romney's campaign only shelled out $450 million.

*The EPA will no longer force owner's of oil and gas wells to provide detailed information of their methane emissions. Global warming alarmists say that methane is responsible for "about 1/4th" of global warming to date. We don't even know if man has caused global warming, or its extent. We damn sure aren't able to measure the precise amount of the supposed warming caused by one particular greenhouse gas.

* ”The Constitution shall never be construed…to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”- Samuel Adams

 *Burger King offered adult novelties in certain package meal orders after 6 pm on February 14th...Valentine's Day. A few decades ago we were watching Father Knows Best and Bonanza on television, and now we're putting sex toys in "Happy Meals." Remarkable.

*In the last 10 years alone, the U.S. Department of Labor has added regulations requiring another 70 million hours of paperwork. Now that's efficiency!

*An Oakland, California woman saw a Donald Trump sign while in south Florida, whipped out a knife, slashed the sign, and threatened to attack the owners of the business where she spotted it. The business? R & T Vinyl Signs. The woman was apprehended and faced charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Why did she do it? She said the sign "ruined her chill."

*A Drexel University professor tweeted "All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide." He was taken aback when people criticized him for the tweet, so he tried to mollify them by stating, "To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed." 

*In a recent YouGov survey, 69% of respondents said they believe the media are not "honest and truthful."

*A 2006 survey found that half of Democrats thought that the Bush administration assisted in- or deliberately took no action to prevent- the 9/11 attacks. You can't reason with madness.

*According to Judicial Watch, the University of California Regents have approved "as much as $27.1 million for non-resident tuition waivers and financial aid to illegal-alien students attending college at the University of California." Judicial Watch has filed a suit, which also seeks an end to the nearly $4 million being awarded annually to illegal-aliens in taxpayer-funded grants and scholarships. We are hell-bent on committing cultural suicide. 

*Germany is doing away with its criminal code that makes it illegal to insult a foreign leader. This should henceforth be known as the "Trump Rule."

*Recent surveys show women are 3 times more likely to be involved in same-sex relationships. Experts don't know why this is. I do. It is because of the incessant assault on all things male. Males are ridiculed as lazy cavemen. They are portrayed as war-mongering women haters. Women are repeatedly assured that they can have it all, be tough as nails, and do anything a man can do. Media, academia and government all tell the ladies that they don't need men. Science is feverishly working on making this a biological fact. And yet, women are still portrayed as more sensitive, open and caring to others. 

*The young Muslim men of military age streaming into Europe and the U.S. are practicing Hijrah, or "jihad through migration." By not responding, Western leaders are determinedly  waging their own jihad against the very countries they lead. 'Astounding' is a thoroughly inadequate description of their complicity. 

*Welcome back to the Oval Office, Winston. 

*Polls show that 1 in 3 Californian's would support the state leaving the union. 3 in 4 Americans would probably say the same.

*CNN's Marc Lamont Hill (himself an African-American) recently called Bruce LeVell, a fellow panelist, a "mediocre negro" for his work on Donald Trump's National Diversity Coalition. Hill later averred: "I'm not name-calling." Of course not. Only white males can name-call. Duh!

*Tiny Israel has more companies on the NASDAQ than all of Europe combined. Its per capita GDP is above those of Italy and Japan.

*In recent years, the United States has decommissioned 33 nuclear power plants, while only 4 are under construction. In contrast, China will essentially triple its nuclear capacity by 2030 and Russia will see one new nuclear plant come online every year over the next decade. India plans to increase the nuclear share of its electrical power from 3 and a 1/2 percent to 25 percent by 2050. Hopefully Donald Trump will see the light...that we may see the light(s) less expensively.

*Evangelical author Johnnie Moore notes, "America has become an increasingly intolerant place for Christians. The religious right is dying." If Christians cannot thrive here, then where?

*A grocery store in Brooklyn, N.Y. was playing music over its intercom recently. One of the songs in the rotation was "Sweet Home Alabama," by Lynyrd Skynrd. A woman wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" button indignantly demanded that it be turned off, saying it was "inappropriate." Libs Hate the South. Still. Let's hope that "Trump Trumps Asininity." 

*Long time New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is publicly concerned that the election of Donald Trump "may have killed the planet." I'm sure he's deeply concerned over the purveyors of fake news, as well.

*How did President Obama react to the shooting death of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey and the terror attack on the Berlin Christmas Market that killed 12 and injured dozens, both of which were carried out by Islamic extremists? He went golfing.

*One Detroit ballot box contained only 50 ballots; count them, 50...yet magically produced 306 votes. There obviously were domestic "bad actors" at work trying to influence the election and get Hillary into the White House.

*China seized an unmanned, underwater drone belonging to the U.S. navy- from international waters- and President-elect Donald Trump tweeted out, "We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back--let them keep it!" Why would he tweet that? Not very presidential.

*The election result proves the old adage that you shouldn't put all your eggs [or voters] in one basket of deplorables.

*President Obama has always been certain in his belief that history only moves in one direction...his. He was wrong.

*What is the definition of pathetic? Progressive "Never-Trumpers" have taken to wearing safety pins as a sign to fellow progressive Trump haters that they are "safe" to talk to. 

*Democrats deliberately wrote off white, working class voters. Hillary campaigned on putting coal miners out of work. They're now shocked that they lost. You guys were a few years too early in your demographic gamble.

*The Obama Justice Department is without question the most politicized in history. It was never going to allow Hillary Clinton to be indicted. No matter what. Period.

*The publisher of The New York Times wrote a letter to readers on Friday, November 11th, in which he promised that the paper would "reflect" on its coverage of this year's election while rededicating itself to reporting on "America and the world" accurately and honestly. You mean you weren't doing that before? We won't be holding our breath.

*President Obama has now ordered more prisoners released early from federal facilities in a single year than any of his predecessors. He has granted clemency to 688 felons this year (2016) alone, more than the past 11 presidents combined. He's always looking to beef up the Democratic voting base!

*When Obama took office in 2008, about 3,500 people per year were being killed by radical jihadist terrorist groups. By 2015, the number was approaching 30,000.

*Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills petitioned intelligence officials to allow Hillary to use her BlackBerry inside a "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility." That is literally unprecedented and defeats the SCIF's very purpose. The National Security Agency denied the request. Trust her?

*Surveys show that 78% of the "Greatest Generation" consider(ed) themselves as religious conservatives or moderates. Even 70% of "Baby Boomers" do/did so. Millenials identify quite differently: 45% claim to be non-religious or religious progressives.

*Obama has cow-towed to China, Iran, Cuba and Russia, among other nations. He has gone out of his way to accommodate them. Each of theses nations has gone out of their way to bitch-slap him...and the United States. Lessons learned?

*The estimated number of illegal immigrants living inside the U.S.? Approximately 12 million.

*Amnesty for those immigrants could cost the U.S. more than $6.3 trillion.

*Armed citizens are significantly less likely to be injured by an attacker. The number of defensive gun uses is around 2.1 million to 2.5 million times per year. The mainstream media cover that little fact?

* Colin Kaepernick has been wearing socks with pigs in police officer's hats depicted on them during practice. Here's hoping that someone somewhere is wearing socks with Colin Kaepernick figures on them- sporting the head of a jackass.

*North Korean leader Kim Jong Un executed his deputy premier for education because he nodded off in a meeting. The former premier was dispatched- in public- by anti-aircraft guns. That'll teach him. 
The Dear Leader also sent two other senior officials to a re-education camp. 

*The National Review states that, "conservative patriotism is increasingly associated with the 'nostalgic' world view of Donald Trump, which seems to repel younger non-whites more strongly than it attracts older whites." Sad on both counts.

*That same magazine reports a recent Gallup Poll found that the percentage of Americans who describe themselves as social conservatives has fallen from 42 percent in 2009 to 31 percent in 2015, the lowest rate ever recorded. This trend is almost certain to continue, if not further accelerate, to devastating affect on American society.

*Massachusetts- Massachusetts!- currently has a flat tax under Republican governor Charlie Baker, who has managed to balance two consecutive budgets without raising taxes.

*Last Halloween, three University of Wisconsin-Platteville co-eds posted a photo of themselves dressed as the Three Blind Mice. For this staggering indiscretion they were visited in person by the school's crack Bias Incident Team, their jobs as dormitory staffers were put under review and UW-Platteville instituted strict codes governing costume choices. Oh, because they were accused of mocking a disability. Beam me up, Scotty.

*According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people in terms such as “ze” and “hir” will be in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. The Commission states violations will include, “Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses.”

*Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey, has embarked on a purge of massive proportions. He has arrested and detained over 58,000 people, including 12,745 judges, 21,000 private school teachers, 118 generals and admirals, 1,000 policemen,  and 7,500 soldiers. President Obama must be green with envy!

*If President Obama had his way, he’d probably never leave the White House. During an interview with the Golf Channel, Obama admitted it’s only because he’s being “forced out” that he’ll leave the executive mansion in January. 
*It has been a record 4,000-plus days since a major hurricane hit the U.S. mainland. (A/O 8/10/2016)

*Contrary to historical portrayals, the Boston Tea Party took place on American owned ships, though they were, of course, carrying British cargo. No damage was done to the ships. The lone lock broken by the Patriots was replaced, and they even took the time to sweep the decks clean before departing. The financial loss to the British was the equivalent of over a million dollars, however! (Source: Bill O'Reilly's Legends & Lies, 2016, Henry Holt books)

*Only 47% of American households now pay federal income taxes.

*Even the European Union has agreed that it is dangerous for a country to allow its publicly held debt to exceed 60% of its GDP. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the United States may hit that 60% mark by the end of this year, and  on its current course could hit 100% by 2020. If that happens, game over.

*Estimates are that the U.S. federal government now employs a quarter of a million people just to write- and enforce- regulations. Somewhere, the Founders weep.

*Texas A&M University suspended two assistant football coaches recently- for two weeks, without pay- for what was described as "failed attempts at humor" at a clinic for women.

*In a recent post, Thomas Sowell stated that “Voting for an out of control egomaniac like Donald Trump would be like playing Russian roulette with the future of this country,” while “ Voting for someone with a track record like Hillary Clinton's is like putting a shotgun to your head and pulling the trigger.” Well said, as usual, Mr. Sowell.

*Bill Clinton took chutzpah to a new level in attempting to portray his relationship with his wife as a timeless love story. Yeah, Bill, we get it. In much the same way King Henry VIII's relationship with Anne Boleyn was a timeless love story.

*The threat of storms made Hillary Clinton decide to move her Friday, July 29, post-convention rally from Independence Mall to Temple University. This is apropos. She'd be much less comfortable with her supporters being in Independence than she would be with them worshipping her in a Temple.

*Obama referred to himself 119 times during his speech... nominating Hillary Clinton. 
*Mattel issued a "presidential" Barbie in 1991, decked out in a red, white and blue gown. To judge by their current convention,  and other infamous occurrences, if it had been a Democratic "presidential" Barbie, it would have sported a blue dress.

*Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) actually compared Jews to termites recently. Of course, a few years back he claimed to be worried that Guam would "tip over" and "capsize" due to too many people residing on it. Maybe he thought they were all Jews.

*The Democrats found some flags! They put up a few American flags on day 2 of their political soiree'! Can't imagine where they found them in Philadelphia of all places!

*Blacks can't be racist and whites can't not be racist. They can't help it, it's in their DNA. Duh!

*Though he didn't endorse Trump, everything Ted Cruz said would lead a logical person to vote for Trump over Hillary. That said, he was too cute by half and likely hurt his future presidential ambitions. Trump savaged Cruz' family repeatedly and Cruz probably thought he could speak his mind, help himself and his party- and even Donald- without endorsing him. In light of his past comments, he was wrong. Newt Gingrich had it right.

*ISIS/ISIL are committing genocide in  Syria and Iraq in an effort to exterminate Yazidi minorities in those nations, according to U.N. investigators. There have been mass killings of men and boys who refused to convert to Islam. Surely gun control is the answer. Islam is a religion of peace.

*Canada's lower house of Parlaiment voted to change the wording of its national anthem so that it is gender neutral. Currently, "O Canada" contains the words "true patriot love, in all thy sons command." This would be replaced with "in all of us command." The bill next moves to the Senate. Oh, man(ada!).

*Care to guess which current U.S. presidential candidate has received the most direct campaign contributions from Wall Street? It's Hillary! In addition to the over $15 million the Street bestowed on her PACs, she's  received $3 million in speaking fees alone in the two years since she left office. (Oh, and Bill has been given roughly $8 million from the "too-big-to-fail" banks ensconced on Wall Street). They do so love the little people!

*There were 81,410,000 families in the United States in 2015. Of those, there were 16,060,000 families in which no member was employed, or 19.7 percent of the total.
*Sylvia Matthews Burwell, currently in charge of Obamacare, was a White House aide when the Clintons sent her to rifle through Vince Foster's garbage...on the same night he (supposedly) committed suicide. Think this will matter to Hillary supporters?

*It took three decades from the time the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders until gays and lesbians were granted protected class status under the 14th Amendment. It took three years from the time of the APA's 2013 removal of "gender-identity disorder" until transgenders were granted similar protected class status under civil-rights law as interpreted by the Obama administration.

*The 29-year-old jihadi wannabe that perpetrated the attacks in Orlando worked for nearly a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor. Reports indicate that the DHS is well and truly infiltrated. Comforting.

*The Pope, who has recently bent over backwards to accommodate the Muslim faith,  "condemned" the attack in Orlando. Really? So did several other "world leaders." Could they have done any less?

*I am now "identifying" as a male lesbian, so don't get upset if I hit on an 18-year-old girl in a school bathroom or locker room!

*As the National Review points out, "it is the advocates of transgender access to bathrooms and showers who are in fact seeking to discriminate on the basis of- in favor of- gender identity."

*In enlightenment psychology, to know one’s self was to learn to master the passions that threatened to eclipse reason. Nothing like this is taught on college campuses today, nor is it found in most of our politicians, and this is… unreasonable.

*“Is this the ladies room? ‘Cuz, man, I feel like a woman!- bup-bup-ba-da-da-bum-bum!! Yeah!"
Gender schizophrenia is the order of the day.

*Abigail Adams, after first meeting George Washington, quoted a line from Dryden to her husband John: "He's a temple, sacred by birth, and built with hands divine."

*Attorneys General in California and New York are opening cases against Exxon Oil for holding and furthering the wrong views on global warming.

*When not in campaign mode, Hillary Rodham Clinton earns $8,000 a minute speaking to Goldman Sachs and others of their ilk.

*Hillary Clinton recently stated that she's for the 'right' to abortion that "we've had enshrined under our Constitution." Madison and Jefferson were unavailable for comment.

*John Kasich must hate Ted Cruz...and dearly love the thought of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Moron.

*Donald Trump did not serve in Vietnam. He says, though, that that didn't mean he didn't fight his own momentous battles. He once stated that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was his "personal Vietnam." "I feel like a great and very brave soldier," he exclaimed. He should apologize to everyone who served in the Vietnam War. Moron.

*"Experts" say that an iPhone, when you include energy used to support its "cloud" functions, uses as much energy as a refrigerator.

*The United States has fallen from the 6th freest economy in the world to 11th place since Obama has been in office. Neither 6th place nor 11th would have been acceptable- or even conceivable- not too many years ago.

*According to the Heritage Foundation's Index of U.S. Military Strength, America's military posture is just "marginal"...and trending towards "weak," after years of declines in funding and the shrinking of forces.

*Barack Obama, while in the Illinois senate back in the 1990's, actually fought efforts to protect the right to life of infants who survived abortion. Just kill 'em anyway.

*In recent Democratic caucus and primary exit polls, it has been revealed that an astonishing 85% of voters under 30 years of age support the Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Then again, looking at what's happening on college campuses, it isn't so surprising. Just scary. Maybe when- and if-  these students leave their vast academic day-care centers to go out into the real world and get a job...upon receiving their first check they might see the light?

*Under Obama's new rules, doctors will now report the names of patients deemed "mentally ill" to the FBI so they will be denied licenses to purchase firearms. This would preclude most members of Congress and a significant percentage of government employee's from purchasing one, though they will likely exempt themselves from this law as they do from virtually all the others.

*North Korea has proudly proclaimed that it has detonated a "hydrogen bomb of justice." Western experts are skeptical. The Hermit Kingdom's Ministry of (Ridiculous) Propaganda, has, in the past, claimed that the "Dear Leader," Kim Jong (the only) un had a perfect game the first time he went bowling and had multiple holes-in-one during a single round of golf. Don't hold your breath waiting for the North to detonate a "hydrogen bomb of truth."

*San Diego officials issued a brand-new communications style-book to the city’s workers this year. One of its guidelines was that the city’s then-upcoming President’s Day announcements should never refer to America’s “Founding Fathers.” The fact that they actually were all males was dispensed with as much less important than being bias-free, inclusive and inoffensive.
 The style-book stated that the correct reference would be to the “founders.”

*The number of boys named Mohammed in the U.S. is up by 10,000% since 1964.

*If feminists dislike men and their behavior so much, why do they try to be just like them? Why do they claim they are equal, the same even? I thought diversity was a cherished virtue?!

*According to a new study, pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns cause greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere. About 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins are put into the trash each year, resulting in 254 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW). The study claims that as the pumpkins decompose,  they release methane, which is 20 times worse than carbon-dioxide, into the atmosphere. We will now probably have to lose our gourds. Many of us already have.

*How can anyone say our priorities are out of whack? On September 10th, 2015, the front page of the major local (regional) newspaper gave more prominence- and space- to the federal appeals court revoking approval of an insecticide that may be harmful to honeybees than it did to Senate Democrats handing a victory to President Obama by ensuring that the nuclear accord with Iran will take effect.

*The first gay divorce firm has opened Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love! Figures.

 *Predictably, a Montana man has already requested the right to marry two wives. It isn't a 'stunt,' he is a polygamist, and, of course, has cited the Supreme Court's Obergefell decision to bolster his case. If logic and reason carry the day, he should get his wish.

  *Several 'street surveys' have concluded that many Americans "have no idea why" we celebrate the 4th of July, but 'celebrate' they will.

*If the federal courts are Hell-bent on ignoring the Constitution, the states should ignore federal court decisions.

  *Another sign of the apocalypse: A 72-year-old retired teacher was pulled over in Cumberland County, New Jersey, last February. He was subsequently arrested and chained to a bench by his hands and feet. The state seriously considered imprisoning him. His crime? He was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. The firearm? A 250-year-old flintlock pistol. The hardened old criminal was on his way home from an antiques dealer when he was stopped. He is a curiosities collector. The "firearm" had no flint, ball or powder and could not have been discharged. Under federal law it is not considered a firearm at all. Not so in New Jersey, where it carries the same mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison as, say, a modern .357 magnum would. The state dropped the charges only after a substantial public outcry. The gentleman, who had never been in trouble with the law, was given his curio back.
      If only the government would give us our founding rights and freedoms back.

    *The most common male name in Oslo, Norway, among other cities, is now Mohammed.

         *As you've almost certainly read/heard in various news reports, Pakistani men  sexually 'exploited' over 1,400 children in Rotherham, England, from 1997 to 2013. All of the various local 'authorities' refused to even investigate, for reasons of 'cultural sensitivity'. One teenage victim identified- by name- 250 men who had raped her. Police refused to pursue the case in favor of protecting their 'multicultural' ideals. We seem intent on seeing our own societies destroyed- and perhaps civilisation in general- to avoid offending anybody. Gang-rape, beating and mock executions of children didn't offend these authorities?

 Things you never hear:
                                                                                                                                                                           * "Liberals" in a totalitarian state and "conservatives" in a free country want the same thing.  The first group is fighting to gain freedom, the latter to preserve it.
      * Seems we have every type of 'phobia' in this culture. Maybe not. I think we should add 'founderphobia' & 'foundingphobia' to the list to describe those who have a deep aversion to the founders and their ideas/documents that made this country the freest and most successful on earth.

    * 'Denier' (crimson capital 'D' on their chest) is a derogatory term that has served the Global Warming Fascists well recently. It has been applied to broadly smear, shut-up and marginalize anyone who doesn't fully buy into their 'science'. There's 'science' behind creationism, too.
     Guess anyone who isn't devoutly religious is simply a 'Denier' to be silenced and sent to sit in the corner.

    * The second ammendment was deliberately placed where it was to gaurantee the first one (seen as the most vital for a free, non-coerced society) and all the others to follow. The P.C. leftist crowd is making strong gains towards dispatching the first ammendment (see above). They and the mainstream media/education complex have been working diligently to undermine the second ammendment as well. When those two are gone, so is the country.

    * The hard left considers Christopher Columbus an invasive species, yet now welcomes mass illegal immigration.
    * 'Climate change' has to be the lamest term/concept ever. Are they really going to get away with this? When/why were the words drought, flood, hot, cold, etc. coined in various languages over eons? Another natural system would be the human body. Why are we different at five years old then we are at 25 years old? Or at 85 years old from 25? Ever been hot. Cold?

      Weather changes?! Short term or long term? Ice age or tropical? The 'average temperature' for most   locales is made up of extremes and isn't the 'most common' temperature for that day. Say, I've noticed it gets cooler and darker at night typically. Seems to get warmer and lighter during the day. Winter cooler, summer warmer.
     Climate change? Really? What do they want...climate control? Oh, like control of everything else.

     *The 'Obama Doctrine' appears to be "The United States: not so good; Every Other Country: not so bad"
     *Invasive species? Celebrate diversity!

    * Less than 3% of the U.S. population is LGBT (Survey by the CDCP released 7/15/2014). If so, why does it seem like they control about 97% of the gender dialogue?!
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    * President Obama has said, "If  'something happened' and my daughter(s) got pregnant, I wouldn't want them punished with a baby." That says  alot about our current culture. No one, nor any action is responsible. 'Something' just happened. One certainly can't be held responsible for something that just 'happened' mysteriously. And babies...a blessing, a miracle, a gift from God? Not so much. A punishment. "How could I be punished like this? Why me? It's not fair!"
     Too bad your mom was punished, B.H.O.
     Word up.
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     *Tolerance is the highest virtue screams the left! Diversity is number two! Yes, let's tolerate the silver head carp. Let us tolerate global warming. Climate change? That's the very definition of diversity! Didn't we hope and vote for change?! Let's welcome it in a non-judgemental fashion! And you know, labels disable. There sure are alot of people who don't seem to be very tolerant of the Tea Party. Strange, as they are trying to help us reconnect with our founding principles as the most tolerant society in history, with a constitution that explicitly protects individuals and promotes equality.
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     *Love those 'Coexist' bumper stickers. Rocket scientry! A bit vague, though. If you are aware you exist and can see other beings...? We know what you mean, however.
     Coexist with...skinheads? Fascists? Mitt Romney? Fox News? Sarah Palin? Proud and overt heterosexuals? Crazy, just leading you guys on, lol.
     No, you mean coexist with terrorists, illegal aliens, NAMBLA, and the decline and fall of America.
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     *Ironically, the '8th grade' educated Americans of our past were adults  and the 18th grade educated Americans of today have been both feminized and infantalized. It shows in the actions and policies of 'our' government as well as those of 'its' citizens. And in the results of those actions and policies. America as it was founded-and intended to be- is dead. R.I.P.
                                                               - - - - - - -                                                          
        * The new slavery.  We’re back! And this time we don’t just want your bodies, we want all of you. Your free will, your spirit, your very soul.

          "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what we can give you! In return for a favor so small it hardly bears mention. You will act, think and vote a certain way…our way…the progressive way…the politically correct, tolerant, inclusive way...forever."

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         "Virginia marriage is for all lovers, appeals court rules" read the headline (in the 'A' section of the July 29 newspaper I was quickly scanning). I'm hoping it was just  accidentally written  to appear so open-ended.
            "But, dammit, I love my weimaraner!"
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        Love is just lust with a limited warranty?

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